Juvenile subject caught following 29 vandalism incidents

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CULLMAN, Ala. – Following a rash of vandalism incidents stretching across the city, the Cullman Police Department announced Tuesday they have a suspect in custody.

Over the past few weeks an unknown juvenile male had been vandalizing Cullman City Parks and other businesses with approximately 29 incidents, according to CPD Public Relations Officer Adam Clark.

CPD Investigators Sgt. Chris Thomason and Sgt. Chuck Shikle were able to apprehend the suspect Monday evening at the bathrooms located at Ingle Park. 

“Thomason and Shikle have been conducting surveillance at Cullman City Parks and caught the suspect actively vandalizing the restrooms,” Clark said. “The suspect will be charged through Juvenile court and has been trespassed from all Cullman City Parks to include the new Water Park opening this year and any other future parks that are built by the City of Cullman.”

Nathan Anderson, director of Cullman City Parks Recreation & Sports Tourism, said the department is thankful for the hard work of the CPD to end the vandalism at one of the newest parks.

“The Connected Playground at Ingle Park is a true testament of our community pulling together to ensure that Cullman is home to an all-inclusive playground that children of all abilities can enjoy and feel connected to,” said Anderson. “We are thankful for our law enforcement officers who assisted us in locating the individual who was vandalizing this park. The value, beauty and safety of our parks are always top of mind.”

Clark stated, “The Cullman Police Department would like to recognize Sgt. Thomason and Sgt. Shikle for their good work and we would like to thank Cullman City Parks and Recreation for working with us to apprehend the suspect.” 

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