Tim and Stephen Donaldson receive 2021 Friend of Extension Award

Regional Extension Agent Gerry Thompson, Stephen and Tim Donaldson and Extension System Director Mike Phillips (Sara Gladney for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Cullman’s Tim and Stephen Donaldson of Donaldson Farms were awarded the 2021 Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) Friend of Extension Award on Thursday evening. The Friend of Extension Award is the highest award given to those outside of Extension by ESP– a professional organization of the Cooperative Extension. The award is presented annually to a person(s), business or organization to recognize their outstanding support and personal involvement in Extension efforts.

As part of their efforts with the Extension, Donaldson Farms have hosted the North Alabama Bull Evaluation Center for 50 years. This center provides area producers with a complete bull performance evaluation, and works to educate seedstock and commercial cattle producers in the value and application of performance data. The Donaldsons’ farm also plays host to a myriad of educational events for different groups. Some of these events include beef producer working groups, county and regional cattlemen’s meetings and livestock judging clinics for 4-H, FFA and collegiate livestock judging teams.

Alabama Cooperative Extension System Director Mike Phillips said, “Everything we do in Extension is about relationships, teambuilding, about helping folks out there in the countryside make a living.” Phillips said the Extension owes a special debt of gratitude to the Donaldsons, “The impact of their commitment to supporting other beef cattle producers and youth education has extended well beyond their community to the regional and state level.”

Regional Extension Agent Gerry Thompson, who has worked with the Donaldsons for about 30 years, stated, “I’ve learned more from Tim and Stephen than they ever learned from me. They’ve hosted countless livestock teams from Auburn or high schools. They both are excellent livestock judgers. They’ve made big impressions on the lives of college kids and high school kids. I can’t imagine a bigger Friend of the Extension.”

County Extension Coordinator Kira Sims also introduced the Cullman County Extension team with some new members:

  • Administrative Assistant – Beth Glasscock
  • 4-H Agent – Kerri Roberts
  • 4-H TES Administrative Support – Alicia Self
  • Snap Ed. Education Agent – Della Bramley
  • 4-H Agent Assistant – Roberta McClellan and
  • Regional Extension Agent – Eddie McGriff
(Sara Gladney for The Cullman Tribune)

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