CULLMAN, Ala. – At the Cullman County Commission meeting Tuesday evening, one item of discussion was the plat Pointe Sixteen subdivision which will contain 74 lots and be located on County Road 204.
Ted Eaton voiced concerns from the property owners on County Road 204 about the impending construction of the subdivision. The only route for construction traffic and increased regular traffic will be County Road 204 which is a 13 ft-wide road that does not accommodate two lane traffic. Within two-tenths of a mile from the entrance to the proposed plat are four blind curves, steep hills with no visibility, and four major drain culverts. Eaton said, “This road is totally unsafe and not adequate to handle this kind of construction traffic.”
County engineer Brian Cheatwood stated, “There is a very serious need to improve this roadway.” He has plans to improve the road and surrounding roads in the area beginning this summer. The council decided to approve the preliminary plat. Cheatwood said, “This subdivision preliminary plat does meet our current regulations, and we will work to address all of the concerns of the residents expressed here today, and I do recommend approval of this preliminary plat.”
Peggy Smith was recognized for receiving the David R. Echols Distinguished Service Award for exemplary service in Economic Development. Chairman Clemons stated, “This is an honor to recognize this lady and it’s an honor to work with her.”
The commission proclaimed February “Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.” Around 4105 teens daily are victims of dating violence and 10% of U.S. teens have been a victim of dating violence. The goal of the commission is to encourage teens and young adults to talk about things that are unhealthy in relationships and be able to understand where to go for help.
The Commission joined the State of Alabama and other local governments as participants in the Endo Settlement which is part of the ongoing class action dealing with the opioid epidemic. The commission will receive roughly $118,000. There are stipulations attached to how the money can be spent which state it must be used to handle the opioid crisis.
In other business:
- The Cullman County Attorney was authorized to file complaints against guests for violating campsite policies approved October 19, 2021.
- The purchase of a gate system for Smith Lake Park was approved in the amount of $23,200. Parks Director Doug Davenport stated, “This is a gate system we’ve been trying to get for some years. It just ensures the safety of the campers and helps stop some of the activity that goes on after hours.”
- The commission approved the vacation of a portion of County Road 630 which was requested by two property owners to implement a turnaround at the end of the road for buses and utility vehicles. Surrounding landowners supported the vacation.
- The participation in the Joint Bidding Program for the members of Investing Alabama Counties was approved.
- Cullman County Economic Development was authorized to submit and application for funding assistance through Alabama Emergency Management Agency’s Hazardous Mitigation Grant Program for bridge replacement on County Road 986, 1273, 1352,1427, 1447 and 1508.
- The commission approved the allocation of $15,000 to the Cullman County Hazmat Team for the purchase of equipment. The Hazmat Team is made up of multiple different departments.
- Gaither Mills was appointed as Deputy Coroner. Ginger Hicks was reappointed to the Regional Housing Authority Board for a 5-year term to expire February of 2027. Brian Monk was appointed to the Veteran’s Memorial Park Advisory Board to replace Wiley Kitchens.
- The plat Arrowhead Creek Subdivision containing 6 lots located on County Road 515 was approved.
- The proposed plat Crooked Crane Subdivision containing 16 lots to be located on County Road 936 was approved.
The next commission meeting will be Tuesday, March 15 at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room. The public is invited to attend.
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