CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission on Tuesday evening recognized Phyllis Little who is retiring after 26 years with the Cullman County EMA. Clemons said, “We appreciate your dedication to the citizens of Cullman County for 26 years, that’s amazing, so thank you.” Kerry Watson added, “I want to thank you, not only for your service, but for your friendship. I consider you a very good friend and we go way back. I want to thank you for what you have done for the community.”
Tina Brown was not present at the meeting but was also recognized for retiring after 23 years with Sales Tax.
The Commission proclaimed January 2022 Human Trafficking Awareness Month. The Cullman County Human Trafficking Task Force, Director Kathy Wilson, DA Wilson Blaylock, District Judge Chad Floyd and District Judge Rusty Turner were present. Floyd sited a proclamation from the governor which included, “the United States government estimates between 600,000 and 800,000 individuals are trafficked across international borders each year and are exploited through forced labor and forced sexual activity.”
To be in line with the American Rescue Plan, the resolution to adopt premium pay implementation policies and procedures was approved. This will allow employees that qualify, any employee making less than $70,260, to be paid $3000 over three paid periods, $1000 each pay period for full time employees. Part-time employees will be paid $1500 over the three pay periods.
The commission approved the expenditure of American Rescue Plan Act Funds for temporary premium pay program. For employees who do not qualify for the American Rescue Plan Act Funds, the commission also approved the one-time, non-recurring pay increase for active employees making more than 150% of the state average annual wage up to a maximum of $3000 for full time and $1500 for part time employees using the remaining CARES Act funds.
The commission ratified the Homeland Security Grant Agreement for VHF Amplifiers in the amount of $11,810.28 (100% reimbursable) for the Cullman County EMA. Also ratified was the Homeland Security Grant Agreement for the State Mortuary equipment and training in the amount of $10,000 (100% reimbursable) for the Cullman County EMA.
The Commission ratified the issuance of a Tax – Exempt Note on behalf of the Health Care Authority of Cullman County. Cullman Regional Medical Center has been experiencing bond issues. They want to expand the ER to include 13 CCU beds and another floor will be added to the hospital. To satisfy the requirements of the bond issue the governing body, having jurisdiction over the area must approve the issuance of the bond.
In other business:
- Chairman Clemons was authorized to sign the Amendment to IAC Program. This amendment will allow counties more time to enter the program and set a minimum fee of 3% to the program.
- The commission reappointed Gordon Sandlin as Chairman to the Local Emergency Planning committee for FY 2022. The commission appointed Tim Sarton as Vice Chairman to the local Emergency planning committee for FY 2022.
- The transfer of one 2012 Chevrolet Suburban from E-911 to Cullman County Commission was accepted.
- The chairman was authorized to sign the renewal of Filter Maintenance Contract for Cullman County Detention Center with Trane in the amount of $22,586.85.
- The commission approved the Voice Evacuation System installed per code by ADS Security in the amount of $28,852.24 at the courthouse to be paid from the General Fund. This system is permanently affixed to the property and is less than the Public Works Bid limit of $50,000.
- The commission authorized a payment to the City of Hanceville for Mud Creek Cleanup in the amount of $15,000 for FY 2021.
- The Proposed plat John Cook Subdivision, a minor subdivision containing two lots located on US Hwy 67 was approved.
- A bid was awarded to US Foods for two convection ovens for the Cullman County Detention Center in the amount of $43,350.94
- Bid #1371 for Tree Service 2021-2022 was rejected due to an inadequate number of bids and will be rebid.
- The next Commission Work Session will be Thursday, January 20, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room.
The next Commission Meeting will be Thursday, January 20, 2022, at 6:00 pm. The public is invited to attend.
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