GOOD HOPE, Ala. – Good Hope’s City Council held its first regularly scheduled November meeting at City Hall Monday night and handled a light list of agenda items before adjourning for the night. After approving the last meeting’s minutes and hearing reports from Council members, a representative from Living Water Services, the city’s water treatment plant operating contractor, presented the Council with a $1,000 donation to go toward the city’s upcoming Christmas events, including the Christmas Parade on Dec. 11 and Christmas Love.
The other business on the agenda for Monday night was an opinion the Council received for Attorney General Steve Marshall regarding whether the City of Cullman, City of Good Hope or Cullman County is responsible for maintaining a portion of County Road 469. The City of Good Hope sent the question the attorney general’s office,
“Who is responsible for maintaining that portion of County Road 469 that lies between and adjacent to property located within the corporate limits of Good Hope and property that was subsequently annexed by legislative act into the City of Cullman, which prior to the annexation was maintained by Cullman County?”
After researching the situation, the attorney general’s office provided the following analysis and conclusion,
“Under the facts presented, the public street, which is County Road 469, does not lie within the territory annexed by the City of Cullman pursuant to the local act. Nor does the public street lie within the corporate limits of Good Hope. Thus, subsection (c) of section 11-49-80 of the code does not apply. It would appear that subsection (d) of section 11-49-80 of the Code might apply to these facts, but the county road in question is not bounded on both sides by the corporate limits of the annexing municipality, in this case Cullman. Based upon the facts and the stationary requirements, neither city is responsible for that portion of County Road 469 lying between the two cities. Accordingly, the county continues to be responsible for County Road 469.”
“Cullman County is responsible for that portion of County Road 469 lying between the City of Good Hope and the City of Cullman, provided that Cullman County has always maintained the road.”
Good Hope’s City Council will hold its next meeting Monday, Nov. 22 at 6:30 p.m. at Good Hope City Hall.
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