Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1950 and 1900:


From the files of 1950:

Two Cullman people were seriously injured and several others received lesser injury in a highway crash on Saturday morning.

Mrs. James F. Ratliff remains in a Birmingham hospital, with a broken hip and a broken ankle. Mr. Ratliff is in the Cullman Hospital suffering with four broken ribs and serious bruises.

Others with the Ratliff’s at the time of the accident were their daughters, Margo and Sandra, who were not injured and two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson. Amanda Johnson, 16, received throat lacerations and was treated at the Cullman Hospital. She was able to be removed home, at the first of the week. Barbara Johnson was slightly injured.

Never before had Emil Buettner been so excited or had such a lovely birthday gift as on his birthday on Monday, November

20. On that day he became a grandfather. Born in Miami, Florida was a little daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Buettner. Also excited is Mrs. Buettner who as always wanted a daughter, but has decided a granddaughter is even better.

From the files of 1900:

Married at Vinemont on November 21 were W.H. Fowler and Mrs. Nancy C. Petts of Chicago. The ceremony was performed by John Moffat, Esquire.

Commissioner Abe Ryan was in the city yesterday.

Claud Copeland is behind the counters at F. Beyer and Sons.

Thad Quattlebaum and Oster McMinn went to Hartselle on Monday.

Professor Lovie Burks, of Decatur, was in Cullman a few days ago.

Cullman’s Mayor, John Beyer, was in Birmingham on Tuesday.

Miss Gussie Steindorff spent Sunday in Decatur.

At last, Cullman can boast of a cotton oil mill in successful operation.

William Tucker, a prosperous merchant of Crane Hill, was in the city yesterday.

John McNabb injured his foot, in an accident, a few days ago.

Hats off to the City Council, for the improved condition of the streets.

Uncle Tom Ingram, of Simcoe, left yesterday for an extended trip through Georgia.

Mrs. D. Reinschmidt has returned from an extended visit to Northern relatives.

Mrs. W.S. Leeth, mother of G.S. Leeth, died at her home, near Garrison Point, on Monday.

Congressman John L. Burnett has tendered to Dwight Fuller the position of private secretary and he has accepted.

The Teacher’s Institute will be held at Trimble. C.A. Roberts is chairman of the program committee.