Crocker announces district attorney campaign

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CULLMAN, Ala. – Local attorney Champ Crocker recently shared that he will be included on the 2022 election ballots.

“Today, I’m proud to announce that I am running for District Attorney in the May 24, 2022 election,” Crocker said.

“I have spent my adult life after college—the past 20 years—working for the citizens of Cullman County as a full-time practicing attorney, while also serving as assistant attorney general, municipal court judge and law enforcement training instructor. There is nothing greater a public servant can do than to help people, which I have done through my church, as a volunteer firefighter, as a youth sports coach and as a member of the Cullman County Industrial Development Authority,” Crocker said. 

He continued, “My family and I made this decision for me to run after several months of prayer, thought and talking with the citizens of this county. I’m running because we need a conservative, full-time D.A. to serve the people who live and work in this community. I’m running because I want my two children to grow up in a safe community here like I did. I’m running because I am concerned when the system rewards lawbreakers with free bail,” Crocker said. 

He concluded by saying, “I will be a partner with local law enforcement to solve crimes and bring career criminals to justice and put them where they belong—in jail. Crime victims will have a seat at the table in my administration. I will establish a Victims Advisory Council and will ensure victims receive the priority, acknowledgement and justice they and their families deserve. Another issue is transparency. Access to elected officials should not be hard. I will have an open-door policy to meet with citizens and attend community meetings and events,” Crocker resolved. 

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