Cullman County Commission approves new Cullman County Parks policy

The Commission and Doug Davenport recognize Don Newman who is retiring after 10 years at Sportsman’s Lake Park. (Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission introduced a new policy on Tuesday evening stating all full-time campers, excepting lease storage rentals, must vacate Cullman County Parks by January 31, 2022. The new policy also states that campers will not be allowed to reside at Cullman County Parks for more than 28 days, after which campers will have to vacate the park for a minimum of seven days. Director of Cullman County Parks and Recreation Doug Davenport made a recommendation to eliminate any full-time campers to give everyone the opportunity for different campsites.

The Commission approved the proposal by the road department to vacate a portion of CR 1266 which was used as a turn-around area, but has since been gated in. The vacation will allow for creation of a new turn-around to prevent cars and service vehicles from using residents’ driveways. Cullman County Engineer Bryan Cheatwood stated, “We have received several complaints about people turning around in people’s yards and driveways, knocking over cans, damaging mailboxes, etc.” Chairman Clemons and County Engineer Bryan Cheatwood were authorized to sign a blanket right-of-way deed for CR 1266.

A memorandum of understanding was approved with Mid-America Health to provide mobile dental services to inmates at the Cullman County Detention Center at a cost of $2,200 per trip. The Cullman County Detention Center will be allowed to contact the Mid-America Health to dispatch a mobile unit when they have up to 14 inmates in need of dental care. The cost would come to approximately $157 per inmate. Cullman County Administrator John Bullard stated, “Currently, we pay $100 per extraction, but this will save the deputies having to carry them offsite, so there will be better security, plus reducing potential overtime for deputies.”

The council recognizes:

  • Denise Caudle retiring after 14 years from Smith Lake Park.
  • Don Newman retiring after 10 years from Sportsman’s Lake Park.
  • Jeremy Jackson retiring after 25 years from the road department.
  • The annual premium for the Volunteer Fire Workers’ Comp was set at the amount of $12,967.
  • The commission approved final change order for plumbing and electrical at CARTS Bus Wash and approved payment of invoice in the amount of $20,242.50.
  • The commission authorized the abatement of Previous Years Taxes in Bankruptcy/Litigation and Insolvents.
  • The surplus of furniture from the revenue department and Commission on Aging will be sold on GovDeals.
  • ACCA Worker’s Compensation was renewed through September 30, 2024.
  • Chairman Clemons was authorized to sign a three-year agreement with ESRI for software in the amount of $165,000.
  • Commissioner Watson was authorized to appoint Terry Bentley to replace Dorothy Maddox on the E-911 board. The term is set to expire on September 1, 2024.
  • Chairman Clemons was authorized to sign an updated ACH agreement with Premier Bank for payroll direct deposit.
  • Chairman Clemons was appointed to the Investing in Alabama Counties Operations Council.
  • The commission approved three-year agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management in the amount of $61,716.24 per year and authorized Chairman Clemons to sign all related paperwork.
  • The commission approved the proposed plat Open Range Subdivision, a minor subdivision containing 22 lots located on CR 1663 and CR 1664.
  • The commission ratified Extension of Bid #1316 for motor oil, transmission fluid, hydraulic oil and grease to: W.H. Thomas Oil & Mcpherson Oil for one year.
  • Extension of Bid #1289 for emulsified asphalt to Ergon through October 14, 2021 was ratified.
  • Bid #1364 for corrugated plastic pipe was awarded to Bear Concrete Products, Ferguson Waterworks and ADCO Pipe & Supply LLC based on price, availability and vicinity.
  • Bid# 1365 for emulsified asphalt was awarded to Ergon Asphalt and Emulsions.

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