Restoring women: meet Kim

Image courtesy of RWO

CULLMAN, Ala. – Cullman’s Restoring Women Outreach shares the story of recovery told by “Kim.”

“I’m a grateful recovering alcoholic / addict. My story is all too familiar with lots of hurt, pain and disappointments. I graduated high school, college and had a career, was married, had the house and white picket fence. None of these things were enough. I had a God-sized void that I began to fill with all this world had to offer. Drugs and alcohol were at the top of the list. 

“Wasn’t long before they became a necessity and a priority rather than a choice. I became a slave to addiction. Looking back, I can’t really explain how I got to that point, but I was definitely there—rock bottom with no other place to turn. If I would have had another choice, I would probably be dead today. 

“I was strongly encouraged to complete a one-year sober living facility.  I went with an open mind and a lot of willingness. That, along with the grace of God, 12 steps and a program called RWO, I am 33 months clean and sober. I am a productive part of society; part of a solution and not the problem. I am employable and have been at my job for over two years now. 

“The promises do come true. If you are reading this and struggle with addiction, reach out to someone.  There is help and hope. Life after addiction is possible. My story is proof.”

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W.C. Mann