Berlin ready to resurface roads

Berlin Town Hall (W.C. Mann for The Cullman Tribune)

BERLIN, Ala. – Berlin Mayor Patrick Bates told his town council on Monday evening that the town is ready for resurfacing of multiple roads to begin, and the council approved the submission of more for federal funding.

Bates said that necessary funding has been made available and that resurfacing of county roads 1600, 1615, 1625 and 1626 will begin as soon as the County can get road equipment to Berlin. Additionally, the council decided to submit county roads 1612/14, 1623 and 1624 for resurfacing under the Rebuild Alabama Act as funds become available.

Other council business

Bates presented recently released census information showing that Berlin’s population increased from 422 in its initial 2018 census to 476 in the 2020 census. He cautioned, though, that the count of households appears to be low and that some in-town homes may have been listed in the county. The population figure will be reviewed and could rise.

The council discussed using $100,000 in American Rescue Plan funds to extend Sprout fiber internet into the Walker Heights subdivision, the only neighborhood in the town currently without high-speed internet service. The recommendation, and possible others, will be formally considered at a later meeting.

Bates told the council that it will need to approve a new annual budget at its September meeting and said that he had sent members copies of his proposed budget.

The Berlin Town Council meets at Berlin Town Hall at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. The public is invited to attend.

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W.C. Mann