Satisfy your sweet tooth at Arab’s 2nd annual SugarFest!

(Photo from

ARAB, Ala. – After an overwhelmingly successful inaugural celebration in 2019, residents of Arab were looking forward to the next iteration of the Arab SugarFest. Unfortunately, health and safety concerns during 2020 led to the cancellation of the second attempt. However, the City of Arab is proud to announce that SugarFest 2021 is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 4 this year, with a full day of activities for guests of all ages. 

Bright and early will be the Sugar Rush 5K Run at 8 a.m. This run will start at the Arab City Pool and travel down City Park Drive and Spring Road, before going through Smalley Estates and back to the City Park. Early registration is open through Sept. 2 with packet pickup Sep. 3 at The Station Cafe and Coffee, and day-of registration from 6:30-7:30 a.m. near the starting line (no T-shirts guaranteed for day-of registration). Either form of registration is $25 per person. Students of Arab City Schools can also register through their school at a discounted rate of $15 per person, and registration forms must be filled out and submitted to their school office by Aug. 30 to be guaranteed a shirt. 

Registration for the run and a map of the route can be found at

From 9-11 a.m. is the Miss SugarFest pageant at Historic Hunt School in the City Park. There are seven age divisions (Birth-23 months, 2-3 years, 4-5 years, 6-7 years, 8-9 years, 10-11 years and 12-14 years) with openings for 10 participants in each division. As of Aug. 11, the 2-3 year division (Toddler Miss) has been filled. Arrivals can sign in between 8-8:30 a.m. the day of the pageant, and no day-of entries will be accepted. Additionally, photos to compete for the side title of Most Photogenic must be turned in to the registration desk no later than 8:30 a.m. There is an all-inclusive entry fee of $60 per participant. 

Instructions and information on the website’s pageant page include the following: 

Contestants will wear their choice of Formal/Pageant Dress. Dresses can be long or short. They can be lightly stoned or heavily stoned. There is No Pageant Dress Restriction on any age whatsoever!  This event will be judged on PERSONALITY/POISE, NATURAL BEAUTY, EYE CONTACT and OVERALL APPEARANCE. No scoresheets will be given out.  

*Miss (age 12-14) category should wear cocktail dresses.  No full-length dresses will be allowed. 

Hair/Makeup: This is a natural daytime pageant. No Glitz makeup or anything fake: flippers, eyelashes or hair. Makeup is fine but should be age appropriate. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, ASK!!! Spray tans are also acceptable but should appear natural. JUDGES WILL BE LOOKING FOR NATURAL BEAUTY AND WILL DEDUCT FOR OBVIOUS FAKE EYELASHES OR HAIR. This rule is simply to ensure fairness to all contestants. 

Photogenic: Picture(s) may be black and white or color of the contestant only and turned in 30 mins prior to start of pageant. NO GLITZ PHOTOS. Pictures may be 8 x 10 or 5 x 7. ALL PICTURES will be at the registration desk after the pageant is over. You are solely responsible for picking up your photos immediately following crowning of your group. Please have the contestant’s name and age on the back of each photo turned in. WE ARE NOT responsible for the pictures left AFTER the pageant is completed. 

Each group will do a group walk out first, followed by individual walk.  There will be taped arrows and X’s on the stage to help show direction and stopping pattern. JUDGES DO NOT JUDGE IF WALK PATTERN IS DONE CORRECTLY. 

Dressing Room: The Hunt School is available as a dressing area for those changing on-site. Hair and makeup should be complete upon arrival due to space limitations inside the school. The pageant will be held on the covered front porch of the school.  

Due to limited space available, only one adult per contestant will be allowed in the dressing room. No Men Allowed!!!” 

Registration for the pageant can be found at

Craft vendors, food vendors and the Sweetie Pie Kids’ Area for younger children open at 8 a.m., while the Sugar High area for older kids and teens opens at 9 a.m. and the pool and splash pad open at 10 a.m. Craft vendors and both kids’ areas will be open until 4 p.m. (although the vendors may choose to stay open later), while the pool will close at 6 p.m. and the food vendors will remain open until 10 p.m. Adult beverages will be available along with food, regular drinks and sweet treats. 

From 12:30-8 p.m. will be a Bring Your Own Partner (and Bring Your Own Bags) cornhole tournament hosted by Randall Garrison, American Cornhole Organization professional. Registration begins at 11:30 a.m. the day of the competition, and teams can compete in the competitive division (cash prize of $500) or the advanced division (cash prize of $1,000). Registration fees are $20 per competitive team and $40 per advanced team, cash or check payment only. No professionals are allowed to compete in the competitive division. 

Car enthusiasts are encouraged to join the Sweet Rides Cruise-In at 4 p.m. There will not be early registration, and there are no entry fees for participants. The event’s webpage states that there will be door prizes and games, but more information will be provided as the date draws closer. 

Starting at 4:30 p.m. will be SugarFest After Dark, an afternoon and evening filled with live music and fireworks that lasts until roughly 10 p.m. The webpage states, “Local acts will begin entertaining at 4:30 p.m. on the big stage with the always-fun ‘Rippy Dippy with the Hidden Hippies.’ The opening concert act begins at 6:30 p.m. with the wildly popular cover band ‘Trotline.’ Our unbelievable fireworks show begins promptly at 8:15 p.m. lasting for 15 heart-stopping minutes! You won’t believe your eyes! But don’t leave yet!!! Immediately following the fireworks show, the concert headliner, nationally known band ‘Everett,’ will take the stage and close out the evening.” 

The celebration will be held at Arab City Park on Shoal Creek Trail NE, Arab AL 35016. More information about the festivities and directions to the location can be found on the festival’s website at

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Heather Mann