Good Hope City Council approves new road, talks Back-to-School Bash

Good Hope Mayor Jerry Bartlett and the Council discuss a resolution at Monday night’s meeting. (Nick Griffin/The Cullman Tribune)

GOOD HOPE, Ala. – The Good Hope City Council gathered for its regularly scheduled meeting Monday night, and they went over a handful of new agenda items including the upcoming Back-to-School Bash, a fundraiser being organized by the Good Hope Sizzlin’ Seniors and a resolution to approve the engineering of a new road.

At the start of Monday night’s meeting, Jonathan Haynes, a local cyber security consultant, talked to the council about the North Alabama Cyber Institute and what they provide. Haynes also works with an organization called PISCES (Public Infrastructure Security Cyber Education System) and touched on the services they provide to municipalities as well. Haynes shared some more information with council about the organizations and what they offer and hopes to continue talks with the City of Good Hope in the future.

After approving the minutes from last month’s meeting, the next topics the council covered was the upcoming Back-to-School Bash and a fundraiser being held by the Good Hope Sizzlin’ Seniors. This year’s Back-to-School bash will be held at the city park in Good Hope Thursday, Aug. 5 from 5-7 p.m. There will be bounce houses, a water slide and free food for those who want to come and participate.

If you live in Good Hope and see flamingos in your yard soon don’t worry, it’ll be part of a fundraiser by the Good Hope Sizzlin’ Seniors where they will be “flocking” yards in the community. You’ll have the opportunity to donate and either send a flock of flamingos to someone else’s yard are purchase flock insurance for yourself. If you want more information on the fundraiser, you can contact the Sizzlin’ Seniors at 256-739-3757 or at

To wrap up Monday night’s meeting, the council passed Resolution No. 015-2021 to contract with CDG Engineers & Associates Inc. and begin work on a new road between Good Hope Pharmacy and a new medical clinic being built in the city. The resolution reads,

“Whereas the City of Good Hope intends to build a new road between Good Hope Pharmacy and the new medical clinic; Therefore, in accordance with federal procurement guidelines the City of Good Hope would like to go into contract for engineering services with CDG Engineers & Associates Inc. to provide professional engineering, consultation for the design, bidding and construction phases.”

The Good Hope City Council will hold its next meeting Monday, July 26 at 6:30 p.m.

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