Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1919 and 1951


The first bale of cotton sold in Cullman this season was brought in by J.W. Stisher of Berlin and sold to Ponder and Kelly. 

E.C. Pearson, B.C. Young, C.G. Smith and G.E. Childers have leased a building here and are establishing a soap factory. 

W.T. Vandiver, proprietor of the Bargain Store, has bought the McMinn Opera House building. 

On September 13, Alva Hancock celebrated her birthday with a party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Hancock. 

The first football game of the season will be at 3 p.m. on Friday at Arnold Field, when Cullman plays Blount County High, of Oneonta. 

School enrollment is high. There are 650 children enrolled in the city school. 

Sigfried Bieker is spending several days here, enroute to Oxford, Mississippi, where he will resume his studies at the University of Mississippi. 

Misses Edna Harris and Annie Lola Price left on Wednesday to enter Athens College. 

Mrs. Willie Mae Kierbow is recovering from typhoid fever. 

Clarence Brunner has accepted a position with Cullman Drug Company. 

M. Weber, manager of the Eureka Hotel, is spending several weeks at Red Boiling Springs, Tennessee. 

Charles Ruehl is remodeling his residence into a pretty bungalow. 

Winfield Leeth and Wallace Culpepper left on Tuesday for Columbia Military Academy, in Tennessee. 

The Nix Memorial Singing will be held on the third Sunday in September at Logan. 

N.B. Mobley, of Bremen, Georgia, is visiting his brother, A.J. Mobley. 

From The Files Of 1951: Jones Chapel News 

Miss Eddie Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Shelton and little daughter, Terra, of Madera, California, visited Reverend and Mrs. A.L. Fincher last week. 

Mr. and Mrs. A.A. Matthews, of Florence, visited Mr. and Mrs. William Reese, on Saturday night. 

Mrs. Junior Tyree visited Mr. and Mrs. Berry Glover, on Sunday. 

Mrs. Samantha Turner spent Saturday with Mrs. Viaolar Bowden. 

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hopper and Mr. and Mrs. Sherald Hale, of Michigan are visiting relatives at the Chapel. 

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Clay and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clay, at Bethel. 

………………Column Break………………North Vinemont News 

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gay and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Birdie Gay. 

Mr. and Mrs. Bob South spent Thursday afternoon with their daughter, Mrs. Marvin Blackmon. 

Mrs. Buford Brannon and Mrs. Doan Reeder, of Hartselle, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Purvis Wilhite and boys. 

Private Harold H. Drake, who is stationed at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, spent Sunday with his parents, while on a short pass.