Veteran Memorial: Joseph Edward Reeder and Albert “Buck” Reeder

L - Albert Reeder R - Joseph Reeder (Photos from

Joseph and Albert Reeder were brothers born to Richard and Ida Reeder of Route 8, Cullman County. Joseph, the elder of the two, was born August 8, 1917 with Albert arriving November 28, 1921.  

Both Joseph and Albert would enlist for military service and serve during World War II. Available records do not indicate to which divisions or battalions the young men were attached. They are simply referred to as being United States Army Private First Class.  

Joseph, who was living in Oregon before leaving for the war, would be sent to North Africa. He was killed in action in Tunisia on March 31, 1943.  

His younger brother Albert, nicknamed Buck, still resided in Cullman before leaving for the war. Buck would be among those who stormed the beaches at Normandy on June 6, 1944. He was killed in action on June 9 of Operation Overlord.  

Both Joseph and Albert were awarded the Purple Heart. The brothers are buried side-by-side at the Mobile National Cemetery in Mobile, Alabama. They are also memorialized on the World War II monument at Cullman’s Veterans Memorial Park.  

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