Military Bound: Good Hope High School

Beau Sterling with his niece Addalynn Thornton (Photo courtesy of Beau Sterling)

Beau Sterling- Good Hope High School  

Beau Sterling is a 2021 graduate of Good Hope High School and will soon be reporting to basic training with the United States Army. He said of his decision, “For me, the Army was the best option. The Air Force looked pretty good, but they are a little bit more fancy and stuff. I figured the Army is the best of both worlds. You get a little bit more action and a little bit more chillin’ out.” 

Sterling has wanted to be in the military since he was a little boy, and he knows exactly what he wants to do. He said, “I will be working on helicopters. I am going into CH-47, which are big two bladed helicopters.” The CH-47 is a Chinook helicopter.  

Sterling will report to basic training on June 28 at Ft. Jackson in South Carolina.  

Sterling credits the JROTC program for helping him. He said, “It was a fun experience and they gave me some tips and pointers–what to do and not do.” He also wants to thank his parents for “leading me in the right way.” Beau Sterling is the son of Eddie and Christy Sterling.  

Best friends Zayne Welborn, currently at basic training in Ft. Jackson, and Isaiah Fuller before GHHS prom. (Photo courtesy of Isaiah Fuller) 

Isaiah Fuller- Good Hope High School  

Isaiah Fuller graduated from Good Hope High School in May and is now getting ready for the United States Army. Fuller wanted to be in the military as a kid, but found other interests as he got older. He said, “When I was a little kid, I watched ‘Saving Private Ryan’ and stuff like that and I really wanted to be in it. Then, I kind of got away from it from about fifth grade to my senior year. Then one day, I just decided to do it.”  

Fuller also explained his decision to join the Army over the other branches. He said, “I looked at all the other branches and I didn’t think I would like being on a boat like in the Navy. I looked at the Air Force a little bit and the Marines, but it seemed like a lot more work for the same amount of pay. I went with the Army because I liked the benefits and jobs they offered.”  

Fuller will be going into the Infantry and hopes to be Special Forces. He said, “I hope to be an Army Ranger but there is an age limit and you have to be 20. I’m 18 now, so I figure Infantry is the quickest way to get ready for it.” On June 22, 2021, Fuller will report for basic training at Ft. Benning, Georgia.  

“I for sure want to thank Sergeant Epperson. He’s my recruiter and he’s put up with a lot and put a lot of time and money into me. They believed in me and kept pushing to get me in,” Fuller added. “I also want to thank my mom and dad.” Isaiah’s parents are Meghan Elliott and Jeff Dillard.  

Fuller said of the future, “I’m just trying to make a good life for myself in the military and take care of my family.” 

Aliyah Coleman (Photo courtesy of Aliyah Coleman

Aliyah Coleman- Good Hope High School  

2021 Good Hope High School graduate Aliyah Coleman has always dreamed of being in the military. She said, “I have always, since I was a kid, wanted to be in the military. I always thought soldiers were the most awesome people ever and I wanted to be just like them.”  

Coleman began exploring her military options at the beginning of her senior year in high school. She explained, “I met with SSG Preston Griffin and talked about joining the National Guard and quickly realized that was the option for me. Family and being in my hometown are super important to me and always has been. When I realized that I could follow my dreams and still be in my hometown, I was thrilled.” Coleman was also drawn to the college benefits that come from joining the military.  

Soon, she will be attending basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri where she hopes to become part of the Military Police.  

Coleman wanted to thank several people, saying, “I would like to thank my recruiter and his wife, Preston and Amber Griffin, for being such great mentors and friends. They helped me in my journey and life in general. I would like to thank my mom and dad, Heidi and Jared Johnson, for always being there for me and getting me to where I am in life currently. Lastly, I would like to thank my JROTC instructors, Colonel Jones and SFC Ullery, for teaching me amazing leadership skills and will take me great places, not only in the military, but in life in general.”  

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