Colony Kids Grab-N-Go summer food program offers children a chance to raise their own gardens

Colony Educational Complex. (Cullman Tribune file photo)

COLONY, Ala. — The Colony Kids Grab-N-Go summer food program will offer children an opportunity to raise their own vegetables in the raised garden beds at the Colony Educational Complex, starting at 11 a.m. this Wednesday, June 9. 

Colony Councilwoman and Kids Grab-N-Go assistant Ethel Alexander said in a press release, “The kids will be assigning a garden bed to take care of. They will have the opportunity to weed, plant, water a variety of seeds, along with keeping a daily journal of their progress. All kids are welcome!” 

The Carpenter’s Cabinet of Colony food pantry has been designated as a Summer Food Service Program Site by the Alabama Food Bank Association, and offers a range of items selected for balanced nutrition, like:  

  • Ham, turkey and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches  
  • Chocolate milk and fruit juices  
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables   
  • Cheese  

Lunch and snacks are available to all needy children 18 years of age and under (or persons 19 and over who are mentally or physically disabled and participating in a public or private nonprofit school program for the mentally or physically disabled).   

Curbside food distribution takes place at the Colony Educational Complex, 151 Byars Road near Colony Town Hall, Monday – Friday from 11 a.m. – noon, or until all food has been distributed, holidays excepted. This is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Food will not be reserved or delivered.  

There is no registration or qualifying paperwork required to participate in this program. The meals are free to the children and available to all children in the pantry’s service area and their guests. If a child is not present when lunch/snacks are picked up, the person making the pickup will confirm that the food is for a child and must give the name of the child.  

Food allergies should be reported to the pantry ahead of time to allow for alternate food to be delivered. 

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W.C. Mann