Good Hope City Council votes on grant application to build new road off Highway 69

Map showing location of proposed road (Photo courtesy of Good Hope City Council)

GOOD HOPE, Ala.- The Good Hope City Council voted unanimously Monday night to apply for a Community Development Block Grant for a new road off Highway 69 from Good Hope Pharmacy to Stash House (formerly The Cotton Gin). The grant is in the amount of $300,000 with a local cash match of $222,558. 

Good Hope officials, including Mayor Jerry Bartlett, had been in communications with Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Director Kenneth Boswell Monday. In a letter to Mayor Bartlett, Boswell wrote, “The ADECA will be pleased to support the Town of Good Hope in its efforts to support the above references businesses (Stash House and HHH Investments LLC) to locate in Good Hope resulting in the creation of 35 full-time equivalent jobs.”  

The land west of and adjacent to Good Hope Pharmacy is currently owned by the city. The city is in ongoing negotiations that would bring a medical complex to the parcel. The new road will run between the pharmacy and the medical complex. Representative Corey Harbison explained, “Its really not an urgency for the medical clinic to get this done and submitted. It is a little more urgency on the Stash House because they want to get their people hired and get started.” 

The new road would have deceleration and acceleration off and onto Highway 69. The entrances to the pharmacy, the medical complex and Stash House would also be off the new road. The current entrance to the pharmacy would be closed as a result.  

Good Hope City Council meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Good Hope City Hall. The public is invited to attend. 

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