COLONY, Ala. – The Carpenter’s Cabinet food pantry located at the Educational Complex in Colony has announced plans for its 2021 summer food service program, set to begin next Monday, May 17, 2021.
In a release to media, pantry manager Patricia Ponder shared:
The Carpenter’s Cabinet of Colony food pantry has been designated as a Summer Food Service Program Site by the Alabama Food Bank Association.
Lunch and snacks will be available to all needy children 18 years of age and under (or persons 19 and over who are mentally or physically disabled and participating in a public or private nonprofit school program for the mentally or physically disabled).
We are set up as a curbside grab-and-go site and will be at the Colony Education Complex, 151 Byars Road to distribute food Monday thru Friday, from 11:00 a.m. until noon, or until all food has been distributed, holidays excepted. This is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Food will not be reserved or delivered.
There is no registration or qualifying paperwork required to participate in this program. The meals are free to the children. The food is available to all children in the pantry’s service area and their guests. Food allergies should be reported for alternate food to be delivered to us.
Our current plan is to begin on or about Monday, May 17, 2021, and ending on or about Friday, August 13, 2021. Modifications and adjustments may be made at any time to this schedule without notice.
Contact Patricia Ponder by email at pponder1@gmail.com for any additional information. Phone calls and texts will not be answered.