Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1954


Mrs. Icie Rowe Alley will receive a masters from the University of Alabama on Friday. Richard Johnston and Gloria Florence will be awarded bachelor degrees.

Last week’s Mystery Farm was an easy one to identify. A dozen people called in rapid succession to identify it as the Elbert Cobb farm, Route One, Hanceville. The first person to identify the farm was Mrs. Claude Edwards. The next few after her were Herman Reid, Mrs. Coy Madison, Albert Smith, Mrs. J.B. Keller, Ruth Gosa, Mrs. Dennis Blalock, Kermit Wix, R.B. Plott, Mrs. Martine Wamp, W.O. Hicks and Mrs. Wallace Green. The Cobbs bought their 57 acre farm, in 1936, from Mrs. Andy Kelhoffer and since that time have done quite a bit of remodeling and have added 110 feet onto their chicken house. Top crops on the farm are hens (they have 1,000 hens in layer cages) and 60 beef cattle. They also grow corn and other grain for their cattle. Before their marriage, in 1934, Mrs. Cobb was Miss Agnes Keller. They have four children, Elbert, Junior, 18, who enters the University of Alabama this fall, Alice Faye, 16, a senior at Hanceville High School, Charles, 11 and Johnny, 6. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb are both graduates of Cullman High. He is a Mason and member of the Farm Bureau. She is active in Home Demonstration work and Eastern Star. The Cobbs are members of Hopewell Baptist Church.

Jesse Garvis Miller, a 19 year old Baileyton youth, was taken to Jefferson Hillman Hospital last weekend, after being injured by a falling horse. Young Miller was standing beside the horse, when a bull charged the horse, knocking it down on him.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes, of Holly Pond, have seven month old triplets, Rickey, Bobby and Tommy. Following their January 18 birth, Gerber Baby Food Company has supplied free food. The triplets have a sister, Gayle, age 3 and brothers, Paul, 15 and James, 14.

Four people were injured at about 6:45 a.m. on Monday, when a collision knocked one vehicle into the J.R. Tucker Store. A 25-foot section of the store was knocked down. Wilburn Webster and Leo Schwaiger were driving the vehicles.

Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Henry celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on August 21. Their children are Harold Henry, Mrs. Lois Holcombe, Mrs. Vera Berry and Mrs. Verna Butler. Added to the list of those “over 80” who are helping the Cullman Tribune celebrate its 80th anniversary are J.M Persall, 85, of Cullman, Mrs. W.H. Watts, 81, of Route One, Holly Pond and J.K. Williamson, of Route Ten, Cullman.