Cullman County Commission approves tax abatements for potential new businesses

(Christy Perry for The Cullman Tribune) 

CULLMAN, Ala.Cullman Economic Development Agency (CEDA) project manager Stanley Kennedy addressed the Cullman County Commission Tuesday evening at their monthly meeting. A couple new businesses are considering coming to Cullman and in an effort to remain competitive, CEDA asked the commission to consider offering tax abatements as incentives.  

 Kennedy explained, “The only reason we keep these projects confidential is there are other incentives that are being negotiated from other organizations, such as the state. What you are really doing here is promising if this company agrees to come to Cullman, because we are competing with other places, that you will give an abatement. That’s why you keep it confidential.”  

 The commission approved a tax abatement for Project Triple J in the investment of $530,000. “Project Triple J is a county project and it is a very small investment but it’s going to create four high paying engineering type jobs. I can’t really get into what they are engineering yet, but it’s going to be a technology impact kind of company. We are hoping that is going to lead to some bigger investment. This is a phase one kind of situation,” Kennedy said. 

 The commission approved a tax abatement for Project Sport in the investment of $2,230,000. Kennedy explained, “Project Sport is just a company buying a building. They are going to retrofit it and create 20 new jobs in the home product industry.” 

The commission also ratified a previous abatement for BBLU Inc. by CEDA in the amount of $955,000. Kennedy said, “It was $565,000 and all it is, is the company is spending more money and expanding more.” The increase will also add two more jobs, bringing the total number of jobs to 16.  

Chairman Clemons also recognized two county employees retiring this month. Rhonda Sinyard is retiring after 18 years of service with the Water Department. James Waters is retiring after 12 years of service to the Sanitation Department.  

In other business, the commission approved the following agenda items: 

  • Proclamation recognizing April as Fair Housing Month 
  • Resolution 2021-15 authorizing Chairman Clemons to sign an agreement between the State of Alabama and Cullman County Commission covering widening and resurfacing on County Road 1301 from SR-3 (US Hwy 31) to County Road 1435 
  • Authorized Revenue Commissioner Barry Willingham to sign a contract with GovEase Auction LLC on behalf of the County Commission 
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons to appoint John King to replace Joe Minor to the Joppa Water Board, expiring March 1, 2024 
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons to sign settlement agreement on behalf of Cullman County Commission 
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons to sign auction agreement with JM Wood Auction Company to dispose of six tri-axle dump trucks between June 15-18, 2021 
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons to sign contract agreement with Pyro Shows of Alabama 
  • Authorized Sanitation Director James Rollo to purchase roll-off dumpsters not to exceed $100,000 
  • Authorized Chairman Clemons to sign contract with American Signal Corporation Alert System 
  • Authorized County Attorney Emily Johnston to inquire about purchase price for commercial property adjacent to the Cullman County Ag Center 
  • Approved budget amendment to correct clerical error in the annual budget. Change transfer for GO warrant payment from 116 Capital Improvement Fund to 112 Public Building Fund 
  • Approved NARCOG dues and program match for FY-2021 in the amount of $56,299 
  • Approved surplus of six Kenworth Tri-Axle Dump Trucks 
  • Approved ADS Security proposal for Cullman County Economic Development and authorized Chairman Clemons to sign agreement-installation $7,825 ($47.69 monthly) 
  • Approved purchase of a 2021 F150 4X4 Super Cab for reappraisal from the NACP bid list in the amount of $27,366 
  • Approved the surplus of a 2008 Ford Crown Vic from the Sheriff’s Office to be sold on GovDeals 
  • Approved an amendment to the Cullman County Personnel Policies and Procedures section II-U Item 6 to provide 25% above the host hotel rate in the event the host hotel is full 
  • Awarded bid #1344 for recycled asphalt payment (RAP millings) to Good Hope Contracting Co. Inc.  
  • Awarded bid #1345 for Cab Crawler dozer to Warrior Tractor for Alabama Forestry Commission to usebid price $189, 900 
  • Awarded bid #1346 for hauling of aggregate, asphalt and other various materials 

 The next Cullman County Commission meeting will be Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at 6 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room. 

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