Opinion: Legislative update from Rep. Randall Shedd

Rep. Randall Shedd, R-Fairview (Cullman Tribune file photo)

“Major broadband legislation will be addressed again in my committee (House Urban & Rural Development) this coming week.

A working group of legislators met with Governor Ivey this past week to make final changes to SB215 carried in the House by Rep. Danny Garrett, R-Trussville.

This legislation would build upon my broadband bill (HB400), Senator Scofield’s broadband bill (SB90) passed in previous sessions and 5G legislation (SB76) by Senator Orr, R-Decatur this session.

SB215 will position Alabama with a broadband strategic plan to take advantage of millions of dollars in federal funds and other funding available for broadband expansion to rural and small-town Alabama, as well as improvements in urban Alabama.

Congratulations to Rep. Scott Stadthagen for this week’s final passage of his bill to protect girls in sports by requiring participants use gender on their birth certificates.

Medical Marijuana legislation came out of final committee this past week and is expected to be considered soon by the full House. I expect to vote for it because of the potential for positive pain relief for cancer patients and other major diseases.

Gambling legislation passed the Senate this week and now comes to the House for consideration. With casino gambling expansion added to the lottery bill, I expect a slow but deliberate process in the House. I plan to vote against it.

Free gun permits in Cullman County died in the House this past week. I voted for the bill and I expect we will be having a lot of discussion with our colleagues in other counties who got involved in this Cullman County local bill. They will have local bills in their counties and then we can have serious discussions! Sheriff Gentry strongly supports this bill and he is to be commended. Stay tuned.

Thank y’all for letting me represent you in Montgomery!”


Randall Shedd