ADEM creates video series for Earth Day

Videos available to help teachers inspire and educate students on environment

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MONTGOMERY, Ala. – To celebrate Earth Day and encourage high school and middle school students to pursue careers in the sciences, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management hosts an annual event to highlight ADEM’s efforts to safeguard the environment. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, ADEM staff are not able to conduct the annual Earth Day event in-person this year, so in lieu of a live event, the Department has created a series of videos that feature ADEM personnel explaining and demonstrating key functions of their work in protecting Alabama’s environment. The videos are posted on the ADEM YouTube channel. 

The Alabama State Department of Education is assisting ADEM with this virtual Earth Day video event by notifying teachers and administrators statewide about the availability of the videos, though the videos are also available to the public. 

The ADEM videos cover a wide variety of subjects and programs related to the environment, including air monitoring, fish tissue sampling, water quality and recycling. 

This is the 51st anniversary of the first Earth Day. The theme for this year’s global day of activism is “Restore Our Earth.” More than 1 billion people in 192 countries participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. Earth Day continues to be a popular and unifying day to raise awareness of environmental issues and the beauty of the Earth. 

Of course, at ADEM, every day is Earth Day. 

To view the videos on ADEM’s YouTube channel, visit The videos are also accessible on the ADEM website, by clicking the Earth Day icon.