Files From Yesteryear: 1955


From The Files Of 1955:

Bill Rasco, son of Mrs. Mildred Rasco has been recognized for outstanding service as editor of the Crimson-White, the University of Alabama student newspaper.

Dovie Ruehl was confined to Cullman Hospital following a freak fall in Doctor

R.B. Dodson’s office when the coat she was sitting on slid off a stool and resulted in a broken hip.

In a Cullman High School election the candidates are President – Jimmy Kilpatrick and Frank Bates and Vice- President – Darrel Blalock, Curtis Mize and Nancy Dunlap.

Lieutenant Donald Wamp is on leave to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Wamp.

Doctor R.F. Williford has been elected president of the Rotary Club.

Revival services are in progress at Cullman First Baptist with Doctor Chester E. Swor as guest speaker.

A hog school will be held on April 6 at the Legion Home according to County Agent, H.G. Pinkston.

Clyde Mosteller died in an auto-truck crash while enroute from Lebanon, Tennessee. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

C.C. Mosteller.

The Tribune Mystery Farm last week belongs to Woodfin Graham of the Grandview community. It was previously owned by Mrs. Graham’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mobley.

Bobby Speegle visited Avel Swann at Brushy Pond on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Osborn Bates and children from Peoria, Illinois are moving to the Eva community.

Robert Speegle and Frances Kennady were married on March 12 at the home of Reverend L. Hudson. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Loys Speegle.

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bland, Bob and John of Hanceville spent the weekend in Atlanta visiting Mrs. Ida Thompson (Mrs. Bland’s mother) who has been ill.

John W. Dodson is a chief aviation machinist mate aboard the USS Carrier Phillipine Sea. John is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dodson of Holly Pond. His wife, Mary is currently in San Diego, California.