St. Bernard students inducted into National Honor Society

New Honor Society inductees include (front row, left to right) Natalie Garcia, Allison Stidham, Briana Garcia, Kiara Garcia, Ava Buckingham, Elizabeth Hazard, Ashley Morris and Mary Ella Cockerham; and (back row, left to right) Luis Garcia, Adrian Cortes-Vellegas, Jiovany Ariaga, Cole Bissot, Ethan Powell, Charles Gil and Xavier Pautler. (Joyce Nix)

CULLMAN, Ala. – New inductees and a host of parents gathered in the Abbey Byre Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021 to honor and induct 14 St. Bernard Prep high school students into the National Honor Society.   

The National Honor Society is the nation’s most prestigious organization recognizing outstanding high school students distinguished by scholarship (at least 90 average), leadership, service and character.

Addressing those in attendance, St. Bernard Headmaster Fr. Joel Martin, O.S.B. said, “You are here for two reasons: your use of intellect and will.  Your intellect and other considerable gifts are not your doing; they come from God.  But what you do with those gifts is your choice, and you’ve chosen to use them well, in academic pursuit, leadership, service of others and shaping good character in yourself.  Congratulations and thank you.  The world needs you?”

Anna Guthery, president of the National Honor Society, presided over the ceremony. Each of the other officers presented one of the four qualities for NHS membership:  Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character.

Faculty sponsor Joseph Bond said the NHS officers were faced with the daunting task of making a brief formal speech before a large audience.  “They did an excellent job!  We wish to congratulate and welcome each of our new members.”

Immediately following the ceremony, students and parents enjoyed a nice reception.