Files from Yesteryear: 1916, 1920


From the files of 1916:

W. Tom Vandiver spent Monday in Birmingham.

The Honorable George Parker spent Wednesday at Brilliant.

A dance was enjoyed at the Growlers Club rooms on Friday night.

Mrs. A. Dreher will entertain at the Symphony Club on November 23rd.

Claud Griffin spent the first of this week in Memphis.

Miss Emma Ehrensberger spent the weekend in Birmingham.

Doctor P.M. Allison has returned home from Battle Creek, Michigan.

In the election of November 7, 1916 in Cullman County these were elected:

Probate Judge-Fred J. Buchmann (R), Circuit Clerk-O.S. Roden (D), Tax Collector-Lee Cochran (R), County Commissioners-L.A. Kelton, E.T. Knight, J.B. White and J.A. Vickery (all Democrats).

The biggest graveyard is that of buried talents…I may not go so far, so fast, but I see more along the road.


From the files of 1920:

The Charles D. Parker Department Store in West Cullman closed September 3, 1920. It was located four blocks west of the Cullman County Courthouse. This sale was announced with a two-page advertisement in The Cullman Tribune.

There had been so much rain the Tennessee River was swollen to flood stage.

Mr. Dave Trimble is teaching a singing school at Brushy Pond and he has a large school.

Mr. Homer Mitchell had dinner with the Bill Hancock family on Friday.

Mr. George Harbison and daughter spent Friday night with Mr. Will Calvert and family.

Onnie Calvert and Miss Sarah Bates attended the singing on Sunday at Brushy Pond.

Messrs. Leldon Griffin, Marvin Kelly and Paul Burnum will re-enter the University of Alabama this fall.

Postmaster S.J. Griffin and Ike Moore returned last week from a motor trip to several points in Mississippi.

These Cullman girls will attend Athena College this winter: Misses Allene Fuller, Irma Kinney, Edna Herrin and Anna Lola Price.

Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Thompson of Mt. Vernon, Illinois were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peinhardt and Mrs. Agnes Vann at the end of last week.

Miss Bessie Pate was the weekend guest of Miss Pearl Tillery. They attended church at Buelah.

Mr. and Mrs. Will J. Swafford are having a nice dwelling house built.

Mr. H.J. Alvis and two daughters, Viola and Hattie, attended the baptizing at Central on Saturday afternoon.

These young people spent Sunday at Cold Springs: Misses Wallace and Julia Crossfield of Gadsden, Thelma Kinney and Annie Kelly; Messers, John and Charlie Martin, Talmadge Bland and Marvin Kelly.

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