Jacobs proclaims Catholic Schools Week in Cullman

National Catholic Educational Association

CULLMAN, Ala. – Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs officially proclaimed the week of Jan. 31-Feb- 6, 2021 “Catholic Schools Week” in the city of Cullman.

National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the U.S. Traditionally, CSW is held during the last week of January, beginning on the last Sunday in January. During Catholic Schools Week, Catholic schools across the country with Masses, assemblies and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members.

This year’s theme is “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.” The NCEA (National Catholic Educational Association) (www.ncea.org) explains the theme as follows:

  • Faith: Catholic schools have a specific purpose to form students to be good citizens of the world, love God and neighbor, and enrich society with the leaven of the gospel and by example of faith.
  • Excellence: Academic excellence is the hallmark of Catholic education directed to the growth of mind, body, and spirit.
  • Service: Service is intended to help form people who are not only witnesses to Catholic social teaching, but also active participants through social learning.

The logo for this year’s observance emphasizes that the Catholic school, like the Catholic Church, is not a building or an institution, but it is the people. The NCEA stated, “The image of teachers and students forming the foundation of the school shows that they are active people of faith who serve others and God.”

Sacred Heart School in the city of Cullman is part of the Catholic School System in the Diocese of Birmingham. Sacred Heart School has been an integral part of Cullman’s faith and education community since December 1878. Today, Sacred Heart School provides a high quality instruction program for its students within a Catholic Christian atmosphere of love and guidance. Sacred Heart strives to be “the best parochial school in the Diocese of Birmingham, Al: Loyal to the Magisterium and its teachings, and to its Benedictine legacy of ‘ORA ET LABORA’ – prayer and work and treating each person as Christ. The school operates according to sound and effective educational principals and business practices while adhering to the curriculum set by the Diocesan Catholic School Office.

“Sacred Heart Catholic School has a long history in the City of Cullman,” said Jacobs. “We appreciate the role they play in the lives in many of our citizens – past, present and future – and wish them continued success in the years to come.”

Due to COVID-19 precautions, an in-person proclamation presentation was not held this year, but the proclamation was delivered to Sacred Heart School’s principal Shawna Norman.

For more information on Catholic Schools Week, visit www.ncea.org or contact Sacred Heart School at www.shscullman.com, shaoffice@shscullman.org or 256-734-4563.