CULLMAN, Ala. – Cullman County’s mayors and commissioners share their Christmas wishes for their communities.
Baileyton Mayor Windell Calloway

“We would like to thank everyone who has helped our new council get off to a great start. We also want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and please be safe.”
Colony Mayor Curtis Johnson

“I want to wish the town of Colony and everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”
Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs

“Perhaps at no other time in our history are we further from any sense of the comfort and convenience that has become associated with Christmas along with the many traditional social norms. Yet, maybe we have a chance to be closer to the true meaning of Christmas like no time before. The Advent season is a time of waiting and longing. It is a time that is representative of finding the light in the darkness. The Christmas Star that everyone looked at last night (Dec. 21)- it made me think just how much that Star of Bethlehem must have been such a defining light of hope for an unwed virgin and lowly carpenter as their world around them seemed chaotic and out of control. For many of us, 2020 seems like a year that has been placed outside of our control; it has been like Merle Haggard’s song ‘If We Make it through December.’ But I have to remind myself that what was so significant about the first Christmas is really true today- a new life was given in a tough world, and that life would be built on a foundation of sacrifice for fellow man- friend or foe, ultimately to pay the ultimate sacrifice for us all. I hope this year that we can pluck the moments of light out from the darkness, realize the true meaning of this day and energize our hearts with hope and selflessness as we trudge on into 2021, tired but resilient. Now is the time we anchor our souls in hope and put our focus on working toward better days by knowing the power that sacrifice has over selfishness.”
Dodge City Mayor Tawana Canada

“First of all, I hope that everyone goes into the Christmas holidays healthy. I hope that no one is lonely and that everyone is filled with happiness, family and God’s love. If there is anyway the Town of Dodge City can help, please let us know.”
Fairview Mayor Keith Henry

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Hope everybody is staying healthy and safe.”
Garden City Mayor Tim Eskew

“I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I want to thank all the essential workers: the doctors, the nurses, the store workers, the truck drivers, all the teachers and the custodians and everyone for the extra patience they’ve had during this pandemic time. They’ve tried to help us all through, and with us all working together, we should be able to make it through it. May God bless everyone and have a Happy New Year!”
Good Hope Mayor Jerry Bartlett

“As we look forward to Christmas and New Year, we carry the effects of COVID with us. We have found renewed value for loved ones, friends and neighbors who have helped us through these trying times. We have found a greater appreciation for health care and frontline workers. We will continue to pray for anyone dealing with this sickness, loneliness, anxiety and sadness. We ask that you continue to support our local businesses during their time of recovery as well. From the City of Good Hope mayor and town council, we wish everyone a safe and joyful Merry Christmas!”
Hanceville Mayor Kenneth Nail

“Giving thanks for our Lord and savior during this Christmas season.”
Holly Pond Mayor Carla Hart

“We know this has been a trying year for everyone, not just here in Holly Pond but worldwide. Everybody just remember to still try to keep the happy spirit, as we hope things will improve in the new year. Have a safe and happy holiday season and the Town of Holly Pond wishes everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year.”
West Point Mayor Gerald Schafer

“The Town of West Point would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This plague we are in might have been a surprise to us, but it was not a surprise to God. I would encourage everyone to look to him for guidance in their lives. Merry Christmas and God Bless America!”
South Vinemont Mayor Radginal Dodson

“I want to thank the people in the town for their continued support of me and the council. I plan on taking care of them and they are no. 1 priority and I want to provide them with as much as possible. I really appreciate the council, and it has been a tough Christmas as we have lost one of our council members, J.D. Marcum. He was a fine man and I really did like him really well. He was a fine gentleman and longtime member of the community. He is greatly missed.
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Please maintain masks and maintain social distancing and hand washing. Come out and enjoy our new pavilion, and our walking trail is wide open, and we have a new addition to the walking trail. Come out and see if you can figure out what it is!!”
Cullman County Commissioner, Place 1 Kerry Watson

“My family and I would like to wish everyone many blessings of peace, love and happiness during this magical time of year. Merry Christmas to you all. Luke 2:11-14.”
Cullman County Commissioner, Place 2 Garry Marchman

“As I take a breath and look at the past year, I can see that it has been a very different and trying year. I see how we have had to make adjustments in the way we live and even come up with creative things to substitute as toilet paper, LOL. We see how fast life can change. I am blessed to live in this little corner of the world called Cullman. I hope everyone will remember that we have a savior in Christ Jesus. The holiday season being upon us, I would ask everyone to be safe in however you have chosen to celebrate this season and from the Cullman County Commission- Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”
Cullman County Commission Chairman Jeff Clemons

“I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year on behalf of myself, Kerry and Garry and the Cullman County Commission.”
Editor’s note: The Tribune attempted to reach all Cullman County mayors for this piece. Unfortunately, we were unable to contact Berlin Mayor Patrick Bates.