Bringing out the Best: ‘Shop with a Cop’ continues bringing Christmas cheer

Cullman Police Department officers with just a few of the 45 gift bundles to be delivered around town (Photo courtesy of Sgt. Adam Clark)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman Police Department (CPD) could not hold its annual “Shop with a Cop” event the way it usually has, but that did not stop officers from doing what they could to make the season bright for children of families in need and clients of the Cullman County Center for the Developmentally Disabled (CCCDD)/Margaret Jean Jones Center. Pushed late in the season by COVID-related absences in its own ranks, and unable to meet kids face to face, the CPD on Monday sent officers to Wal-Mart to shop on behalf of 45 children and CCCDD clients.

While the logistics of the program may have been upset, the level of charity has not. CPD Investigator and program coordinator Sgt. Adam Clark reported that donations to this year’s program were consistent with previous years, allowing officers a budget of more than $200 per participant. 

Said Clark, “We had a good turnout for donations again this year. We just appreciate all our donors. We have a great town here that really supports our community policing programs, and, without them, you know, none of this is possible. We appreciate that, and, hopefully, we can get back to normal next year.”

The officers also bought turkeys and other food for Christmas dinners for participants.

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W.C. Mann