GOOD HOPE, Ala. – The Good Hope City Council on Monday night had a first reading of an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 009-2019, regarding manufactured home parks, mobile homes and manufactured homes within city limits. The amended ordinance is in response to the urging of many landowners and a recommendation from the Good Hope Planning Commission. Mayor Jerry Bartlett and city council members said they agree that fair and consistent regulations are needed.
City Clerk Christie Chamblee read the five-page ordinance in its entirety. The second reading is scheduled for the Dec. 28 at the next Good Hope City Council meeting.
Bartlett stressed that the ordinance is not a ban on manufactured or mobile homes and that the two existing mobile home parks will be grandfathered in.
“I think this is fair,” he said. “We’ve already got two large mobile home parks.”
The council said the new ordinance is very similar to the City of Cullman’s ordinances regarding manufactured homes.
Currently, residents can request permission (use upon appeal) to put mobile or manufactured homes in locations zoned as R-2 (Low-Density Residential; Single-Family Detached) or Ag-1 (Agriculture), but this amended ordinance would abolish that according to Rep. Corey Harbison, who added, “Basically, they are amending the mobile home ordinance to abolish the section pertaining to (mobile or manufactured homes) being allowed in R-2 and Ag-1 (zones) with special permission.”
Read the ordinance in full at www.scribd.com/document/488162869/MH-Ordinance-Revised-and-Read-Dec-14.
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MH Ordinance Revised and Read Dec 14 by TheCullmanTribune on Scribd