HOLLY POND, Ala. – The residents of Holly Pond will soon have their tornado siren again after the council on Monday night approved the estimated $20,000 cost to repair it. Although the repair was previously approved by Former Mayor Bill Oliver, the cost had not been determined. New Mayor Carla Hart informed the council of the estimated cost Monday. The council approved moving forward, with Councilman Charles Holcomb saying, “I look forward to hearing it.”
The council approved the re-appointment of Linda Pope as town clerk. Members of the council had several questions about the town clerk’s employment package and felt they needed more time to discuss the subject in detail. The council will meet Monday, Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. in to discuss the schedule, pay and other details of the position.
A familiar face was in attendance Monday. Former council member Ricky Carr said he is “happy to be back.” Carr, who will be focused on the wastewater treatment plant, was appointed to fill the Place 3 vacancy on the council.
In old business the council discussed and took the following actions:
- Lower Bros. Tennis Courts of Birmingham will come look at and give an estimate on the cost of repairing/resurfacing the town’s tennis courts
- Seamless gutters have been added to the senior center as well as some concrete work completed.
In new business, the council discussed and took the following actions:
- The council approved Hart to spend up to $3,000 on needed repairs to the Town’s bush hog. A new gearbox and blades are needed.
- The council approved the payment of $3998 to Air Med for another year. This covers all residents within the town limits of Holly Pond who would need Air Med in Holly Pond and Cullman County.
- Approval of $100 to People Against a Littered State (PALS)
- Approval of $1,000 donation to Good Samaritan Health Clinic
- Approval of the purchase of 12 new globes for the lamp posts at Danes Statue-cost $347.86
- The council will continue to look into the purchase of new trash cans for Governors Park.
- Approved Town employees to make repairs to the retaining wall at the entrance to the ballpark
- Voted to discontinue the Wi-Fi service at the town’s parks when it expires Dec. 31, 2020
- Hired Ann Harris for temporary part-time work at the library when needed
- The requested purchase of new tires for the Ranger truck was tabled.
- The request for a weed-eater with a longer shaft and strap was tabled.
- A one-time pay adjustment in mid-December of $100 was approved for the Town’s four employees.
- Approved reimbursing council members for expenses when doing business for the Town.
Hart thanked the Holly Pond Civitans for the donation of $3,333 for the new pavilion at the park.
Also, the luminaries will be lit in Governors Park Dec. 12, 2020.
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