Merrill honors AL EMA, Office of Information Technology, Power cooperatives with NASS Medallions

Pictured left to right are Secretary of Information Technology Marty Redden; Electric Cities of Alabama Executive Director Jon Hand; Alabama Rural Electric Association President Fred Braswell; Alabama Secretary of State John H. Merrill; PowerSouth Director of Transmission & Distribution Operations Terry Wilson; Alabama Power Chairman, President, and CEO Mark Crosswhite; and Alabama Emergency Management Agency Director Brian Hastings. (Office of Alabama Sec. of State John Merrill)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Secretary of State John H. Merrill on Wednesday awarded the Alabama Emergency Management Agency, the Alabama Office of Information Technology, Alabama Power, the Alabama Rural Electric Association, Electric Cities of Alabama and PowerSouth with NASS Medallions.

These medallions recognize individuals, groups and organizations for their exceptional service and dedication to carrying out the mission of the National Association of Secretaries of State.

“Just days before the General Election, Hurricane Zeta swept across the coast, leaving tens of thousands of Alabamians without electricity. As a result, polling places in more than 19 of Alabama’s 67 counties were left without power,” noted Merrill. “Each of the power cooperatives awarded today, in addition to the Alabama Emergency Management Agency, worked tirelessly around the clock to protect our democracy through identifying areas in need, restoring power and providing generators.”

Continued Merrill, “In addition, the Office of Information Technology consistently provides support for our office to see that no cyber-related vulnerabilities or irregularities occur on our end. Our elections would not be as safe and secure as they are now without the assistance provided by OIT, and we are most grateful.”