MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Governor Kay Ivey on Friday via Executive Order 723 announced the creation of the Alabama National Guard Joint Enlistment Enhancement Program (JEEP) in hopes of enlisting new guardsman through an incentivized recruiting program. JEEP will provide a monetary incentive of $500 to Soldiers, Airmen, and retirees who can provide a lead to recruiters that results in enlistment.
“The Alabama National Guard routinely responds to crises and emergencies, both here at home and across the country,” Ivey said. “With the increasing demands on them, which has been evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, we must be innovative in acknowledging the hard work of our Guardsmen in recruiting new members. I hope JEEP is one example of how Alabama expresses our debt of gratitude to the individuals within the Alabama National Guard.”
Current Soldiers, Airmen and retirees will function as assistants to potential Guard recruits, who will be expected to guide, motivate, and encourage recruits all the way up to the point of enlistment. All current members of the Alabama National Guard holding the pay grade of 0-3 and below, can participate in JEEP. Retirees of any rank who have served in the Alabama National Guard can also participate.
“I’m excited about the future of the Joint Enlistment Enhancement Program, and the impact this program will have on continuing to ensure the Alabama National Guard is manned and ready to perform at the highest levels for all missions,” Maj. Gen. Sheryl Gordon, the adjutant general of the Alabama National Guard said. “This partnership, between the State of Alabama and the Alabama National Guard, incentivizes our best recruiting assistants, who are our current and retired Alabama National Guard Soldiers and Airmen, for enlisting the high-quality individuals we need to maintain a quality force.”
The costs associated with this program will be funded from the existing budget allocations made to the State Military Department. For more information about the program, please visit the JEEP website at https://jeep500.com/.