Updated 11-20-20 at 1:32 p.m.
Editor’s note: This resolution applies only to Cullman County. Private roll-off Dumpsters are not allowed inside Cullman city limits.
CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission on Thursday night met at its new time of 6 p.m. It was the first regular meeting for new Chairman Jeff Clemons, who used his tie-breaking vote for the first time to pass a resolution allowing private roll-off sanitation companies to do business in Cullman County. Since 2000, the Cullman County Sanitation Department has had control of all Dumpster rentals.
In its earlier work session, Commissioner Garry Marchman voiced his support of the decision, saying, “We have contractors in the county that don’t have the flexibility to use another company for a roll-off Dumpster when they are doing construction work or something like that. At times I can see the benefit of the way that we are doing business, but there are also times that I can see that we don’t need to be in that business and competing with other businesses.”
Commissioner Kerry Watson, who attended the meeting via video conference from his home due to being in quarantine, voiced concern over the timing, saying, “My only concern with that and not doing the roll-offs is when we did the $5 million for automated trucks, the revenue that we used to come up with on how we would pay off that loan was based on roll-offs. We are going to be giving up that revenue and that revenue is going to have to be generated by Sanitation somewhere. That means it could come back on our citizens and their residential (rates).”
Marchman agreed that it could have an impact, but said he felt it would be minimal due to the County’s competitive rates.
Cullman Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS) was given the approval to purchase 14 new buses to replace aging buses in its fleet. The total cost of the buses is $954,268 but will only cost CARTS $95,426.80. An additional $9,030 was also approved to add rear and front cameras to each of the new buses.
The commission also passed a resolution allowing Cullman County Economic Development to apply for a Rebuild Alabama Grant for FY2021 to repave County Roads 4 and 6 in the Bremen area.
Newly appointed Cullman County Economic Development Director Bradley Williams explained, “This is a grant for $250,000. This will not compete with the ATRIPII (funding) that has been put in or other roads. This is a free $250,000 grant, so we don’t have to match if this is awarded to us on those two roads.”
In other business, the commission took the following actions:
- Recognized Phillip Patterson on his retirement after 25 years of service to the Cullman County Commission
- Issued a proclamation for Farm-City Week
- Passed Resolution 2021-01- Payment of postage on voter notifications
- Authorized Clemons to sign an agency agreement with the secretary of state for payment of postage on voter notifications
- Amended Oct. 14, 2020 minutes to adjust total received from sanitation trucks sold to Ingram Equipment Company from $195,000 to $190,000
- Authorized Clemons to sign site agreement with FLW Pro Series Fishing Tournament
- Authorized Clemons to sign an agreement waiver and consent with the law firm of Baker Donelson for the filing of Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) reimbursements
- Authorized Clemons to certify CARES Act reimbursements for public safety personnel
- Authorized Clemons and EMA Director Phylis Little to sign Homeland Security grant- total $29,183
- Authorized Clemons and Little to sign the State Mortuary Operations grant- total $12,000
- Authorized Maintenance Supervisor Chris Sears to purchase all equipment to upgrade courthouse restrooms for mitigation of COVID-19
- Approved the Water Department to have a rate study done by St. John & Associates.
- Approved the leasing of the Cullman County Agricultural Trade Center for the River Gun Show
- Approved payment to Johnston Technologies for dispatch battery cabinet servicing for the sheriff’s office- cost $5,094
- Approved extension of employee vacation time to Feb. 29, 2021
- Approved the renewal of property insurance with Traveler’s
- Approved payment to NARCOG for dues for fiscal year 2020- $56,299
- Approved the purchase of six tri-axle dump trucks for the Road Department- cost $942,030 ($157,005 per truck). This is done yearly to rotate new trucks in while selling the current trucks for more than the purchase price.
- Marchman appointed Darla West to the Department of Human Resources Board replacing Cynthia Dodd for a six-year term expiring May 15, 2026
- Extended bid to Traffic Sign Inc. for traffic signs
- Extended bid to J.C. Cheek for traffic striping
- Extended bid to McPherson Companies and W.H. Thomas Oil Co. for motor oil, hydraulic fluid, transmission fluid and grease
The next commission meeting will be Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. in the commission meeting room on the first floor of the Cullman County Courthouse.
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