BERLIN, Ala. – The Berlin Town Council on Monday evening approved multiple projects for slightly more than $16,100 in its remaining CARES Act funds for COVID response, after the Town purchased needed protective and sanitizing supplies for its own use and contributed $18,000 to Fairview, Holly Pond and Welti Elementary Schools, all three of which serve the town’s children.
The new spending plan includes:
- $4,800 to purchase equipment to create public Wi-Fi areas in the town’s lower income areas along County Roads 1612, 1619 and 1620. Mayor Patrick Bates said he has been in talks with the Cullman Electric Cooperative, which is currently installing Sprout Fiber Internet hardware in the area, about partnering in the service.
- $1,200 to stock up on additional supplies for the Town
- $10,000 to create care packages of sanitizing supplies and protective equipment for residents of Berlin, and to offer further assistance to the three area elementary schools. One suggestion for the schools noted that representatives from at least one school have reported shortages of sanitizing wipes, so Berlin will be seeking to find those items in large quantities.
Bates reported that he is still waiting to get quotes on the new town hall’s steps and accessibility features, and on the shed to be erected at the farmers’ market. Council members agreed that the shed should be up before the coming selling season.
The council also approved $300 for an online training course for the town clerk, an increase from $35 per month to $70 per month in the town’s QuickBooks subscription, and up to $500 to purchase a dedicated document scanner to be used for the current audit and other of the clerk’s ongoing duties.
The Berlin Town Council will meet next at 7 p.m. Dec. 21, 2020 at the Berlin Community Center. The public is invited to attend, subject to occupancy restrictions.
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