Jacobs proclaims Medical Assistants Recognition Week in Cullman

From the 2020 Annual State Educational Conference in Cullman, left to right: Lorie Strane (Northeast AL Chapter president), Stacie Jones (Northeast AL Chapter treasurer), Kim Buzinskas (member), Carolyn Polk (AL Society of Medical Assistants state president), Brandy Owen (Northeast Chapter secretary), Brittany Campbell (Northeast Chapter vice president) and Sara Stone (member) (contributed)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs recently proclaimed the week of Oct. 19-23, 2020 Medical Assistants Recognition Week (MARWeek) in the city of Cullman. MARWeek, celebrated during the third full week in October each year, offers an opportunity to recognize the contributions that medical assistants and Certified Medical Assistants (CMAs) make to overall health care delivery effectiveness and preventative screening.

Medical assistants are at the heart of health care and play a vital role in preventive screening. Statistics show that approximately 38 million people are not getting the recommended screenings for colorectal cancer, so in conjunction with MARWeek, the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) is standing together with the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT) to empower medical assistants to fight colorectal cancer. Their goal is to reach 80% screening rates in every community. This year’s theme “Support Screening, Save Lives” reflects how medical assistants are in an influential position to reduce barriers to screening through practice improvements and committed action.

Cullman’s medical assistants and CMAs belong to the Northeast Alabama Chapter of AAMA. They play a critical and versatile role in health care in our community, providing outstanding care and promoting patient safety in various settings throughout Cullman and Cullman County. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the mayor was unable to meet with local medical assistants and CMAs for an official proclamation presentation. However, Jacobs stated, “The City of Cullman recognizes our local medical assistants and CMAs, and we thank them for their dedicated and compassionate service to patients in our community.”

Medical assisting is an allied health profession whose practitioners function as members of the health care delivery team and perform administrative and clinical procedures. With their unique versatility, medical assistants are proving to be the allied health professional of choice for this decade and beyond. Medical assisting is one of the nation’s careers growing much faster than average for all occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

AAMA is the only organization devoted exclusively to serving the professional interests and educational needs of all medical assistants. The association provides numerous services that help medical assistants put their careers on a successful and rewarding track and keep them there.

  • For more information on medical assisting, Medical Assistants Recognition Week, or the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) visit aama-ntl.org.
  • For more information on National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT) visit nccrt.org.