Files from Yesteryear: 1917, 1940


From the Files of 1917:

Mrs. Bud Butler, of Holly Pond, remains dangerously ill.

Mrs. George Parker was hostess to members of the Priscilla Sewing Club on Wednesday afternoon.

Claud Griffin, of New York, is  the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Griffin.

Miss Dessie Armstrong is visiting friends in Tennessee.

Mrs. Salema Miller and Mike Zinafsky were married on Thursday at the home of Doctor W.P. Wilks.

A son of Mr. and Mrs. Carson Biggers was painfully hurt on Monday when he was thrown from a bicycle on the pike.

Oscar Lee and Renzo Hale rode to Fayette last Saturday on their bicycles.

J.R. Alldredge is home from Grier, South Carolina to visit relatives.

Miss Annie Kennemer, of Athens, is the guest of Miss Lela Trimble.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin have moved to Ohio to reside.

Harry Parker entertained at a fish fry, at Kamp Killkare, in honor of Charley Gerdes, of Tampa, Florida on Saturday evening.


From the Files of 1940:

Marriage Licenses


June 18 – Ruben Runge, 27, to Maud Boyd, 21 and Raymond Wilson Waid, 27, to Florence Grace Martin, 25.

June 20, H.W. Hurston, 34, to Georgia Ellen Craft, 27.

June 22 – Joseph Richard, 20 to Helen Leigeber, 17; Orville E. Robert, 22, to Maggie Lucile White, 18; Otha Beckerstaff, 18 to Margaret Bradley, 15; Melvin C. Young, 21, to Hazel McQune 18; Herbert Lenton Reynolds, 21, to Opal Maurine Wilson, 21; Riley McSwain, 21, to Lillian Haynes, 20; Sanford Athel McCain, 21, to Gracie Earline Allred, 18; Sanford Eubanks, 21, to Mary Sue Rutherford; Thomas W. Millican, Junior, 21, to Pauline Price, 19; T.C. Cobb, 19, to Inadell Murdock, 16 and A.T. Bolding, Junior, 25, to Gracie Lee Chaney, 18.


Mrs. Mary Catherine England, 66, of Hanceville Route One, died on June 22, at 4:50 p.m. On

June 23, at 3:00 p.m., funeral services were held at the Hopewell Church and cemetery. Moss- Scheuing was in charge of interment.

Her husband, R.E. England; one daughter, Miss Mary Magdaline England; two sons, Feltus and J.C. England; one adopted son, Charles England; seven brothers and one sister survive.


Antioch News

Reverend Max Love delivered a splendid sermon at Antioch on last Saturday.

Misses Ophelia and Dot Thomas spent the night with Devonan Thomas, on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Antioch will go to Ponder’s this weekend to take advantage of the reduced prices on white shoes. Some are as low as 49 cents per pair.

Messrs Roland Wesley and Red Raynes of Moulton C.C. Camp spent the weekend at home.

Mr. Dovard Thomas, of Birmingham, has been spending a few weeks with friends here and will return home this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Coker Howse, of New Hope, spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howse, on Sunday.


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