Dodge City renews CCSO deputy contract, issues certificates of election

The Dodge City Town Council poses for a picture Thursday evening. Pictured left to right are (front row): Town Clerk Vicki Ogletree, Mayor Tawana Canada and Councilwoman Inez McDonald; (back row): Councilman Ervin Chumley, Councilman Anthony Todd, Councilman Jason Burney and Councilman Murray Lowe. (Maggie Darnell for The Cullman Tribune)

DODGE CITY, Ala. – The Dodge City Town Council voted Thursday evening to renew its township deputy agreement with the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) in the amount of $37,564.80. Deputy David Pitts is assigned to Dodge City. The new contract begins the first of September and is valid for one year.

In other business, Mayor Tawana Canada issued three certificates of election for council members who are unopposed in the Aug. 25, 2020 Municipal Election: Jason Burney, Murray Lowe and Anthony Todd.

In other business, the council passed a resolution on its annual transportation plan based on anticipated funding from the Rebuild Alabama Act fuel tax.

The Rebuild Alabama Act requires that each municipality adopt an annual transportation plan no later than Aug. 31, and provide a detailed list of projects for which expenditures are intended to be made in the next fiscal year, based upon an estimate of the revenues anticipated from the fund. These funds can only be used only for maintenance, improvement, replacement, and construction of roads and bridges maintained by the municipality.

Said Canada, “This resolution pledges the Town will keep the money separate and spend it on these roads. (Town Clerk) Vicki (Ogletree) has not received how much we’re getting yet this year, so (County Roads) 205, 235 and Campbell Drive are our worst roads, so we should put the money to those, not necessarily in that order. We will chip seal the roads, not pave.”

The council voted to renew the Town’s contract with Air Evac Lifeteam for $3,995 per month.

Next year’s budget was discussed, but the council tabled that item until September.

Ogletree said a list of the town’s registered voters will be posted at Dodge City Town Hall by next Thursday, Aug. 20, 2020.

A special meeting was set for Sept. 1, 2020 at noon to certify the results of the Municipal Election.

The Dodge City Town Council meets the second Thursday of the month. The next regularly scheduled council meeting will be Sept. 10, 2020.

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