Extension Office offering Basic Estate Planning webinar

Tony Glover (Alabama Cooperative Extension System)

The coronavirus pandemic has made many aware of just how important planning for their eventual death and possible incapacity is. Not having a will in place is not only more expensive than the cost to prepare one in advance, but it will also leave the administrative headache for a grieving family to deal with.

The Alabama Cooperative Extension System is offering a two-hour online workshop on basic estate planning. This workshop is being offered through Zoom, an online video platform.   Dr. Robert Tufts of Auburn University will teach the class.  The class size will be limited to 20 to allow personal interaction between you and the instructor.

Topics for the program include:

  1. The problems people create when they do not have a will in place
  2. The three documents that should be in an estate plan
  3. Advance directive for health care
  4. Power of attorney
  5. Will
  6. The use of a trust in an estate plan

Dates and registration

There are two dates available to choose from for this workshop- Aug. 6 and Sept. 3. Each workshop is from 7-9:15 p.m.  If the classes fill, additional dates may be added.

Pre-registration is required and there is a $5 registration fee. When registering, select the date that you wish to attend.  Register at www.aces.edu/go/estateplan

For more information, contact the Cullman County Extension office at cullmancounty@auburn.edu or 256-737-9386 (speak with Tony Glover).