AHSAA schools may begin summer activities June 1


MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Alabama High School Athletic Association member schools may re-open June 1, in accordance with Alabama State Department of Education Superintendent Dr. Eric Massey’s directive announced Thursday.

AHSAA Executive Director Steve Savarese said that was welcome news for the AHSAA and its member schools.

“The AHSAA, its Central Board of Control, along with the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE), has updated its guidelines regarding summer activities,” Savarese said.

“The biggest change is our schools may re-open on June 1, a week earlier than the June 8 date previously discussed. We are elated to have a definite date for our coaches and student-athletes to return to their schools where they can continue to experience valuable educational lessons through athletics.

“Please keep checking our website for any changes and updates as we move forward.”

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