Cullman City Primary School sends students off with drive-by parade

Cars were decorated with special signs made for Cullman City Primary School faculty and staff at the school’s drive-by parade Wednesday morning. (Maggie Darnell for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – With the school closure and schools turning to online courses for students, many schools are hosting “drive-by parades” to say good-bye to their beloved students one last time. Cullman City Primary School (CCPS) followed the trend Wednesday morning, with a line of cars down Stadium Drive, giving students the opportunity to wave good-bye to their teachers and other CCPS faculty and staff.

CCPS Principal Tricia Culpepper shared, “This was for our CCPS at home campaign and we needed to kind of end the year with our students. Our teachers really wanted to make the connection with our families and our students so that we could say good-bye to them and wish them well, and we have a good plan going forward with our online learning, but today really is the start of our online learning, and it was important for our students to see our teachers and for our teachers really to see our students, because we miss them, we miss being at school, we love our students and our teachers threw a great job with them. Today was emotional, but it was a good day.”

She continued, “It was for a way for us to connect with our families and for us to end the year, not really end the year since we’ll be starting first thing April 6 with our online learning platform, but for us to reassure our families that we’re still there for them and that our teachers are going to work with everybody to make this the best that we can do for our students for the remainder of the year. And it was a way for us to say good-bye to our first graders that we may not see again next year, and to just reassure families that we’re there for them.”

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Cullman City Primary School Principal Tricia Culpepper waved goodbye to students Wednesday morning. (Maggie Darnell for The Cullman Tribune)