Aderholt statement on passage of CARES Act

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WASHINGTON — Today, Congressman Robert Aderholt (AL-04) released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed the CARES Act, a stimulus package that will provide financial relief during the COVID-19 epidemic.

“Our country is going through the worst public health crisis since the flu pandemic of 1918. The Coronavirus impact is unprecedented, and as we navigate these unchartered waters it’s critical that serious, thoughtful solutions are put forward. That is why I voted in favor of the Phase 3 stimulus package today, known as the CARES Act. Although this $2 trillion bill is not perfect, I believe it is necessary as it provides vital funding for Alabama and the entire nation. President Trump and Leader McCarthy negotiated a deal that leaves no one behind, providing financial relief for families, small businesses, veterans, and rural communities that desperately need broadband infrastructure. I will continue to work with my colleagues on possible corrections to this legislation and potentially another bill this Spring if more relief is needed.”

“The Coronavirus has caused worst public health crisis in our country since the flu pandemic of 1918. The unprecedented impact across the nation calls for serious, thoughtful solutions as we continue to fight against the virus. That is why I voted in favor of the Phase 3 stimulus earlier today, known as the CARES Act. It provides immediate financial relief to families, small businesses, hospitals, veterans, and rural communities across Alabama and the rest of the nation. Although this $2 trillion bill is not perfect, I believe it is a necessary and critical step in the right direction. I will continue to work with my colleagues on possible corrections to this legislation and potentially another bill this Spring if more relief is needed.”

In Washington, Congressman Aderholt serves as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science, and Related Agencies, for the powerful House Appropriations Committee; he is also a member of the Committee’s Defense Subcommittee, the Committee’s Agriculture Subcommittee, and the Helsinki Commission.

For more information about Aderholt’s work in Congress visit: