Funny Things from Yesterday: Tyler

Robert N. Tidwell, Sr.

Several years ago, when our children were still just youngsters, I had never given any thought about grandchildren. But I had a sister-in-law who had grandchildren and she would get on my nerves telling about her grandbabies, showing their pictures and bragging about them.

I’ll tell you; I had no idea how grand grandchildren really are until we had our first one.

Now we have five grown grandchildren who we are proud of and are blessed with six little great-grandchildren. They range in age from 5 and younger. It seems like I will have plenty to write about.

The article this week is about my grandson, Tyler. You may have guessed that he is Alder’s daddy. Alder seems to have inherited his skills right straight from his daddy.

Tyler could empty all of the floor-level kitchen cabinets in just a few seconds and leave the whole house in shambles in a matter of minutes. I believe he had suction cups all over him for he could practically climb straight up a wall.

At this time Tyler was a year-and-a-half old. He didn’t talk much for his pacifier seemed to hinder that. He understood anything that was said. Not talking, he would grunt, nod and shake his head if asked something.

Leanna (Tyler’s older sister) and he were in the kitchen and Leanna spilled the juice she was drinking. She called her mother to bring her a towel, but her mother was busy and couldn’t come and she told Leanna to clean up the spill. Leanna whiningly said, “No, I can’t.” Tyler was hearing the conversation and went running through the house. His mother thought he was headed for the playroom, but instead he ran to the bathroom and in just a second, he came running back with a towel and gave it to Leanna.

It still amazes me how smart grandchildren are, but I’m even more amazed at how much grandparents can brag about them. If you are grandparents you will understand; if not, just wait until you have little ones.

One more thing. As Robin and the grandchildren were leaving, Robin punched the button to raise the garage door, and as the door was going up, Tyler grabbed the handle on the door and he was almost to the ceiling before Robin could get him off.  He was a busy and active boy.

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