Files from Yesteryear: 1905, 1935


From the Files of 1905:

Work on the new Baptist church in West Cullman is progressing nicely.

S.A. Hamilton has moved back to Cullman from Hartselle.

J.E. Williams, of Winfield, Texas, is visiting P.M. and S.M. Allison.

Reverend W.H. Aufderhaar is planning a monthly publication devoted to the advancement of Christianity. He has secured Charles Ruehl and Thaddens D. McMinn to attend to the business of the paper.

Recently married here have been Maude Strong and M.D. Screws; Emma Glenn and J.T. Barbrey; Lizzie Tillman and Perry Manor; Etta M. Deemer and G.W. Martin; Minnie Turner and Glenn Humphrey and Alice Bailey and Jas. Barlett.

J.B. Brown is reported to be a candidate for senate, the seat vacated by the death of Senator R.L. Hipp.

Doctor Charles Hayes has located at Vinemont.

From the Files of 1935:

Married last week were Evelyn Richter and John W. Richter.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Patrick on November 26th. They named him Jerry.

Spending Tuesday in Birmingham were Mr. and Mrs. T.D. McMinn, Mrs. Bill Arnold, Mrs. Geo Fehler and her sister, Mrs. F.M. Reid, of Juneau, Alaska.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Miller, of Chicago, who were enroute to Saint Petersburg, Florida, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grob.

Miss Mary Will Estes attended the Howard-Birmingham Southern football game on Thanksgiving.

$110 was cleared on Cullman High stunt night. Prizes for selling the most tickets went to Wilma Persall and Dezma Weeks, both freshmen.

The Coterie Club will hold a sale of articles made by the adult blind at Talladega, on December 10th at the Coca- Cola Company.

Miss Gurley Bright and Professor William Wilks were married at 4:00 p.m. at the Methodist church on November 27th.

The Child Welfare Board is composed of R.P. Johnston, chairman, Mrs. J.I. Armstrong, Mrs. W.J. Cottingham, Jack Tucker, Doctor J.C. Martin, J.M. Bright and Reverend J.E. Marion.

P.G. Hartung, chairman of the committee to raise the $2,000 needed locally in order to secure the $15,000 high school gymnasium, announces that only $600 will complete the fund. Now ‘in the bag’ is the sum of $1,400.

Little Ralph Wright underwent an appendectomy on Sunday, but is recovering nicely.

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