St. Bernard inducts 15 into National Honor Society  

Front row, left to right: Secretary Macy Whaley, Vice President Alison Gongre, Maggie Holsomback, Mollie Woods, Emma Whaley, Claudia Fallin, Piper Watson, Riley Holmes, Parliamentarian Lauren Agnello, and Treasurer Jackelyn Arteaga; middle row, left to right:  Headmaster Linus Kluscarits, OSB; Joseph Keith, David Pascual-Contreras, Morgan Waites, Merrilee Schartung, Madeline McBride, Rachael Agnello, and President Jimmy Schomburg; back row (left to right):  Evehan Hayes, John Pechon, Campbel Whaley, and NHS Sponsor Joseph Bond

CULLMAN, Ala. – St. Bernard students, faculty and staff, along with a host of parents and grandparents, gathered in the Abbey Church Wednesday, Feb.19, 2020 to celebrate the induction of 15 students into the National Honor Society.

The National Honor Society is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students on the basis of scholarship (at least 90 average), leadership, service and character.

Jimmy Schomburg, president of the National Honor Society, presided over the ceremony.  As a part of the service, the remaining officers lit a candle representing one of the four qualities for NHS membership, and gave a description of each quality.  Officers are Vice President Alison Gongre – Scholarship; Secretary Macy Whaley – Leadership; Treasurer Jackelyn Arteaga – Service; and Parliamentarian Lauren Agnello – Character.

Those inducted include Rachael Agnello, Claudia Fallin, Evehan Hayes, Riley Holmes, Maggie Holsomback, Joseph Keith, Madeline McBride, David Pascual-Contreras, John Pechon, Merrilee Schartung, Morgan Waites, Piper Watson, Campbel Whaley, Emma Whaley and Mollie Woods.

Concluding the service, Headmaster Linus Kluscarits encouraged each newly inducted member to keep up their good works and keep setting examples for all to follow.

A reception followed immediately in the Brahma Room.