CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman City School Board recognized several students and enjoyed special performances from the Cullman Middle School Jazz Band and CMS piano lab students Tuesday evening.
The CMS piano students previewed the recital the classes will perform Thursday evening at the Burrow Center for the Fine and Performing Arts at Wallace State Community College at 7 p.m.
Board President Joey Orr remarked, “The talent that we have at Cullman Middle School and Cullman High School is quite extraordinary and our teachers are a big big part of that, so we thank you all for the extra time and energy and effort you put into all of these students and to be giving them these opportunities, not just locally, but in the state and the nation, too.”
The board then recognized:
- Cullman High and Middle School students for achieving and participating in the Alabama Bandmasters Association (ABA) All-State Band
- Cullman High School band student Jacob Dye for making ABA All-State Jazz Band
- 2020 Northern Alabama Affiliate Winner of the National Center for Women & Information Technology Award for Aspirations in Computing- CHS student Taleah Sadler
- Cullman High School Game Day cheerleaders for winning 10th place in National High School Cheerleading Championship in Orlando
- Cullman High School Traditional Competition Cheer Team for winning its fourth consecutive AHSAA 6A State Championship
- Cullman City Primary School Teacher of the Year Tracie Kirkwood
- East Elementary School Teacher of the Year Amber Hembree (who also won Cullman City Schools Elementary Teacher of the Year)
- West Elementary School Teacher of the Year Sharyn Hollingsworth
- Cullman Middle School Teacher of the Year Kimberly Dockery (who also won CCS Secondary Teacher of the Year)
- Cullman High School Teacher of the Year Wayne Cook
The board also received a presentation from Cullman City Schools Career Technical Education (CTE) Coordinator Mike Donaldson.
Donaldson gave these statistics on CTE programs Cullman City Schools offers:
- CCS offers CTE at three secondary schools with eight certified CTE instructors.
- 30 CTE courses are offered with more than 900 students taking advantage of the CTE programs.
Programs the CCS CTE offers are:
- Business Management and Administration
- Agriscience
- Drafting and Design Tech
- Health Science
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Work-Based Learning (Cooperative Education)
The next Cullman City School Board meeting will be March 17, 2020 in the central office board room at 5 p.m.
In new business the board approved:
- Permission to bid Network Switch Replacement and Installation for Cullman High School for the 20192020 academic year and accept the lowest responsible bidder according to specifications of Bid #0218-20-01. USAC Erate discount funded project.
- Approval of the four-day summer work schedule beginning June 1, 2020 – July 31, 2020. Superintendent’s Office schedule may vary to include Friday work as needed.
- Approval of the revised Instructional Assistant Job Description. This item was brought back from the Policy Review Committee.
- Approval of the 2019-2020 Textbook Committee Members – Mathematics, Health and Physical Education for Cullman City Primary School, East Elementary School, West Elementary School, Cullman Middle School, and Cullman High School
- Permission to contract with M’Kori Johnson to assist with clerical duties, CCPS and Head Start enrollment during June and July, 2020 (CCPS funds)
- Permission to contract with Julie Murphree to clean floors and various duties during the summer of 2020 to prepare for the 2020-2021 school year (CCPS/Head Start Funds)
- Permission to contract with Sabrina Allen to clean floors and various duties during the summer of 2020 to prepare for the 2020-2021 school year (CCPS/Head Start Funds)
- Permission to contract with Rafael Reynoso to clean floors and various other duties during the summer of 2020 to prepare for the upcoming school year (CCPS Funds)
- Permission to contract with Tera Cabri during the summer of 2020 to update Title 1 Plan, conduct screenings/placement for kindergarten and 1st Grade (Title 1 Funds)
- Permission to contract with Amanda Tanner during summer 2020 to assist with Title 1 Continuing Improvement Plan, Professional Development (Title 1 Funds)
- Permission to contract with Jennifer Sparkman during the summer of 2020 to conduct kindergarten screenings and process new enrollment (Local School funds)
- Permission to contract with Stacie Owen to provide homebound instruction, based on individual student need, beginning 2/6/20 – 9/30/20 (General Fund)
- Permission to contract with Lori Andrews to provide homebound instruction, based on individual student need, beginning 2/14/20 – 9/30/20 (General Fund)
- Permission to contract with Ann Davis, Sabrina Allen, and Jessica Williams to clean, strip, wax and buff the floors at Central Office during the summer of 2020
- Permission to contract with Tera Cabri to provide early childhood education services for Cullman City Head Start beginning 8/01/20 – 7/31/21 (Head Start Funds)
- Proposed approval of revised Head Start Policies and Procedure PG-PCPC02 Policy Council Structure and Formation. This item will be sent out to the Policy Review Committee.
- Approval of the Clinical Agreement between Wallace State Community College and Cullman City Head Start/Cullman City Primary School
- Approval of the LEA Interagency Agreement between Cullman City Child Development Center (Cullman City Head Start) and Cullman City Board of Education
- Approval of the Occupancy Agreement between Cullman City Head Start and Cullman City Board of Education beginning 8/01/20 – 7/31/21
- Approval of the 2020-2021 Breakfast-Lunch Agreement between Cullman City Head Start and Cullman City Primary School
- Approval of Cullman City Head Start Eligibility Priority Criteria V. Personnel Considerations:
- Retirement:
- Melonie Hanson, Science teacher at Cullman High School, effective 6/1/20
- Resignation:
- Michelle Nix, CNP Manager at Cullman High School, effective 5/22/20
- Transfer:
- Katie Free, temporary transfer from instructional assistant at West Elementary School to 5th grade Math and Science teacher (to fill a leave of absence) at West Elementary School, beginning 2/18/20 – 5/11/20. Pending ALSDE Certification. (JV 20-005)
- Employments: Conditional Employment under the terms of the Child Protection Act of 1999, Act No. 2002-457, and pending certification, as applicable.
- Sara Williams, Extended Day Program teacher, East Elementary School, effective 1/30/20 (JV 20004)
- Unused Vacation Days:
- Russell Raney, requests payment of unused vacation days (not to exceed 9 days)
- Supplement:
- Elizabeth Pylant – 2020-2021 Varsity Cheer Sponsor
- Retirement:
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