Opportunities abound at Agriplex in February, March

The North Alabama Agriplex (Maggie Darnell for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – There is a variety of fun and educational programs coming up at the North Alabama Agriplex in February and March.

All events take place at the North Alabama Agriplex, 1714 Talley Ho St., Cullman, 256-297-1044 unless otherwise noted. To register go to www.Agriplex.org and click on the register tab.  Follow the link to RecDesk.

Feb. 4, Cullman- Living Landscape Seed Swap and Best Southern Varieties, 6 p.m.

Find out what varieties of vegetables grow best here, swap favorite seeds and get seed catalogs with Arnold Caylor.

Feb. 8, Cullman- Heritage Skills Organic and Natural Growing, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Join experts and local farmers for a day of natural growing. Topics will include natural insect control, soil, cover crops, rain catchment, sustainability and more.

Feb. 13, Cullman- Learn to Sew Hemming, Mending and Other Hand Sewing, 6 p.m.

Tired of paying for simple mends? We will learn how to measure and cut for hemming by machine and hand, how to sew buttons and other easy mending projects. $5 per person.

Feb. 14, Cullman- Little Farmers Preschool Farm Hoppy Valentine’s Day, 10-11 a.m.

Let’s celebrate Valentine’s Day with our green friends! See the frog lifecycle up close and make new froggy friends.  $5 per child, $10 maximum.

Feb. 19, Cullman- Lunch & Learn Trees and Shrubs for Arbor Day Tree Sale, noon-1 p.m.

Free Program with door prizes at each event.  New topic every month. Call 256-297-1044 to reserve your seat.  Bring your own lunch.

Feb. 27, Cullman- Heritage Homeschool A Gee’s Bend Quilt, 9-11 a.m.

Celebrated Alabama Gee’s Bend Quilters will tell the story of their art and teach about their nationally acclaimed history. Storytelling, songs and quilt show and tell will be a part of this one of a kind program!  $8 per child, $16 per family.

March 2, 9 & 23, Cullman- Learn to Sew Make a Quilted Table Runner Series, 9-11 a.m.

Learn basics of quilting from cutting to piecing with this quilt as you go table runner. Basic sewing machine skills required.  $20 per person.

March 3, Cullman- Living Landscapes Creating a Haven for Butterflies: Your Yard and Beyond, 6 p.m.

We will focus on host and nectar plants; innovative ways to incorporate these plants into your landscape; learn the value of “trash trees” and explore a treasure trove of garden-worthy, butterfly-friendly groundcovers, vines, flowers, shrubs and trees with Author Paulette Haywood. $5 per person.

March 7, Cullman- Farm Kids Club Fairy and Gnome Gardens, 9-10:30 a.m.

Create your own fairytale succulent dish garden to take home. Choose between a gnome or fairy to call this garden home.

March 10, Cullman- Heritage Skills Backyard Poultry, 6 p.m.

Backyard chickens, pea fowl, turkeys, quail, guineas, ducks and more!  Cost is $5 per person.

March 13, Cullman- Little Farmers Preschool Tops and Bottoms, 10-11 a.m.

Reading Janet Stevens’ “Tops and Bottoms” book, we will plant, harvest and eat root crops and other veggies.   $5 per child, $10 maximum.

March 19, Cullman- Heritage Homeschool Nature Study, 9-11 a.m.

We will learn to observe the outdoors around us and then chronicle our insights in a nature journal. We will go over different techniques for journaling. Notebooks and all supplies provided.  $8 per child, $16 per family.

March 25, Cullman- Lunch & Learn Native Wildflowers, noon-1 p.m.

Free Program with door prizes at each event.  New topic every month. Call 256-297-1044 to reserve your seat.  Bring your own lunch.