CULLMAN, Ala. – Shoppers could take pictures with Santa at The Foundry Thrift Store all day Saturday.
Foundry Ministries Marketing Manager Charlotte Knapp shared, “This is always a free event and we like to say that it’s a ‘thank you’ to the community of just shopping with us and being with us all year.”
Shoppers who participated received a free picture with Santa, a magnet frame for the picture, a toy and a candy cane. Knapp estimated 250 shoppers came to the Cullman location for last year’s event.
“We’ve done this event for a couple years now, this is my second time doing it, and there’s more advertising, you know we get better with how we advertise in different avenues whether it be in the paper or on television, that kind of thing,” said Knapp. “We had a special thing this morning for a VIP hour from 8 a.m. until 9 a.m. Members of the community with special needs could come, so we just held an exclusive time where they could meet with Santa when it’s a little less crowded and a little bit more time, so we had a couple of folks at the Cullman location take advantage of that, so that was fun to see, that was a difference this year. But other than that, it’s been the same Jolly Old Saint Nick!”
When asked if the ‘Special VIP’ hour will be a continued practice, Knapp said, “I think so; we might adjust some of the timing so that we can get more guests to come and maybe make it a later time in the morning, that kind of thing. But, it’s a really fun opportunity, I think, to set us apart to have that VIP Hour for the community.”
Knapp lastly said, “Just thank you to the community, always. We love our customers so much and Cullman has such loyal customers that come, sometimes daily, to our store, and we just want to say thank you for coming and supporting us all year and we hope to see you next year!”
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