(Updated) Cullman awarded $450K, Hanceville $250K CDBG grants

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Left to right are Rep. Randall Shedd, R-Fairview; Hanceville Mayor Kenneth Nail; and Sen. Garlan Gudger, R-Cullman (Courtesy of Randall Shedd)

Updated 11-20-19 at 1:32 p.m.

CULLMAN, Ala. – Gov. Kay Ivey on Wednesday announced $18.7 million in grants from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program for improvements in 58 Alabama communities. Among the grants awarded are $450,000 to the City of Cullman for sewer, water, drainage and street improvements in the Katherine Street area and $250,000 to the City of Hanceville to build a 2,500-square-foot senior center.

City of Cullman

Sen. Garlan Gudger, R-Cullman and Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs jointly announced the City of Cullman’s grant Wednesday morning.

“I am so excited that Cullman will receive CDBG funds to improve the Katherine Street neighborhood,” said Gudger. “I appreciate the ongoing commitment Gov. Ivey and (Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs) ADECA Director Kenneth Boswell have shown in supporting much needed community improvement projects in my district and throughout the state of Alabama.”

“The city council and I are grateful to have been awarded the Community Development Block Grant for improvements to Katherine Street,” said Jacobs. “Improvements that will be made include the installation of new water and sewer lines and improvements to the street and drainage system.”

On July 22, 2019, the Cullman City Council adopted Resolution No. 2019-68 authorizing Jacobs to execute and submit an application for CDGB funds to implement a Neighborhood Improvement Project on Katherine Street. Under the terms of the grant, the City of Cullman will be responsible for providing $337,845.01 in matching funds, $250,000.00 of which will be provided in the form of in-kind services provided by the City.

Jacobs said the work on Katherine Street will stretch from Main Avenue West to Rosemont Avenue.

“The CDBG program is so important to the City of Cullman,” said Jacobs. “They make a difference in our community as a whole and in the lives of our residents.”

City of Hanceville

Hanceville Mayor Kenneth Nail, Rep. Randall Shedd, R-Fairview and Gudger announced during a Facebook Live video Wednesday morning that Hanceville will be receiving funds for a brand new senior center. The three officials were in Washington D.C. on other business when the announcement was made.

Nail had hinted at a big announcement earlier in the week.

Gudger said in the video, “We’ve been blessed in Hanceville, Alabama to apply for a grant called the CDBG grant and that grant has a local match to it. Hanceville will be putting in around $50,000. At the same time, we were awarded through the hard work of Representative Shedd and Kenneth Boswell through ADECA, $250,000 for a new senior center that will be built in Hanceville, Alabama.”

Shedd added, “I know how important something like this is. I appreciate the mayor and the council locating this land at the park to give to the seniors and they can utilize the walking trails. It’s important for our area.”

Nail was filled with emotion as he announced the good news.

“These two guys right here are working hard for y’all,” he said. “These guys aren’t shy about asking for money for our area.”

Hanceville Senior Center Director Evon Fowler said of the good news, “Everyone at the center is very excited. The Rowdy Bunch is an amazing group of people. They are young at heart and so deserving of a new modern senior center. They sky’s the limit for them.”

“Community Development Block Grants are vital to Alabama communities wanting to raise living standards and improve living conditions for their residents,” Ivey said. “I am pleased to award these grants, and I commend all those local leaders who, by seeking these grants, show they have their communities at heart.”

“As a former mayor, I know how valuable these grants are to communities and I also realize the time and effort that local leaders, planners and residents invest in obtaining funding,” Boswell said. “ADECA is pleased to have a role in this process that will benefit communities all across Alabama.”

The Community Development Block Grant program is administered by the ADECA utilizing funds received from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). The purpose of the CDBG program is to assist local governments in meeting community development and housing needs as set forth in Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. Award determinations are based on the number of low and moderate income families affected, urgency of the need, and the project cost efficiency.

For more information about ADECA and the CDBG program, visit adeca.alabama.gov.

Copyright 2019 Humble Roots, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Left to right are Cullman City Councilman Clint Hollingsworth, Sen. Garlan Gudger, R-Cullman, Cullman City Council President Jenny Folsom, Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs and Cullman Economic Development Agency Director Dale Greer. (Courtesy of Woody Jacobs)