Files from Yesteryear: 1939


From the Files of 1939:

Hanceville Happenings

Horace Griffith and grandson, Vann Gamble spent Sunday in Birmingham, with Mrs. Griffith, at the Highland Avenue Baptist Hospital.

Mrs. Ernest Grund and Miss Evelyn Armstrong spent Wednesday in Birmingham.

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Green spent Sunday afternoon in Birmingham. They were accompanied home by Mrs. T.H. Sudduth.

Miss Marie Griffith spent Friday in Birmingham.

Miss Rubye Bradley, of Hayden, spent the weekend here.

Miss Mabel Dean, Mrs. Maurice Dean and Austin Dean spent Wednesday in Birmingham.

Miss Lorene Gray, of Holly Pond, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Gray.

Reverend E.A. McGriff spent Monday in Birmingham.

The recently organized Young Matron’s Circle of the Baptist Church held a banquet on Thursday night at the Home Economics Department.

Mrs. George A. Green and Mrs. T.H. Sudduth spent Monday in Birmingham.

Jack Wilson has enlisted in the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Dowda, of Dora, spent the weekend here.

Robert Palmer, of California, visited Miss Ida Grace Palmer last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Dial, of Blountsville, visited Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Burns on Sunday.

Doctor Glenn T. Bartee, Superintendent of the Albertville District, preached at the 11 a.m. services at the Methodist Church on Sunday. Doctor Bartee was the guest of Reverend and Mrs. T.H. Wilson.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Oden spent the weekend, at Trafford, with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Higginbotham.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Glasscock and children are visiting in Birmingham.

Mr. and Mrs. N. Hiesce, of Cornersville, Tennessee, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.S. DeLorme.

Reverend and Mrs. T.H. Wilson and Mrs. John Ashwander spent Tuesday in Blountsville.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Darrah, of Birmingham, spent Tuesday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Howell.

Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bland spent Saturday in Birmingham.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Green and children spent Sunday afternoon in Cullman with Doctor and Mrs. C.E. Herrin.

Reverend J.T. Whitaker is quite ill at his home.

Circle Number Three of the Methodist W.M.S. had a benefit domino party on Friday night at the home of Mrs. H.D. Warren.  Twenty-five were present and $75.40 were the proceeds.

Miss Jeanette Graham, of Vinemont, spent the weekend with Miss Dell Freeman.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Holder spent the weekend in Columbus, Georgia.

The census report shows that 37,953 bales of cotton were ginned in Cullman County, from the crop of 1939, prior to December 1st, as compared with 41,424 bales for the crop of 1938.

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