CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman Festhalle was bustling with activity as the City of Cullman held its annual Citywide Employee Safety Meeting Wednesday morning.
Assistant to Cullman Mayor Woody Jacobs, Leanne West, shared what the event was all about.
“What we do is we have a big safety meeting, of course with all the departments, and we have food and door prizes,” said an enthusiastic West. “The door prizes are purchased by donations from our sponsors; we had 29 sponsors this year. The main point of this is the safety meeting for all the employees. It’s just a great event that the employees look forward to.”
Jacobs echoed West, saying, “This is kind of a reward for our employees for participating in our health fair and it also earns us a discount on our insurance, which we’re quite happy to do. We thank all the people, our sponsors, and we gave away a lot of door prizes today, so it looks like we got a lot of happy employees!”
About serving lunch to his employees (helped by the council members), Jacobs said, “It’s kind of a tradition for the council and everybody to serve them every year, you know kind of swap roles with them! It’s a lot of fun!”
Below is the list of the sponsors for the 150 door prizes given away at Wednesday’s meeting:
- McGriff Industries, Inc.
- Merchants Bank of Alabama
- Warren Averett Co., Inc.
- John Guthrie, Jr.
- Peoples Bank of Alabama
- C H Harris, Inc.
- Hertz Flow, Inc.
- Citizens Bank & Trust
- Cullman County Home Builders Association
- Cullman-Jefferson Counties Gas District
- Manning Construction
- Wal-Mart #670
- USA Healthcare
- Jackson & Williams
- Premier Bank of the South
- John & Associates, Inc.
- TTL, Inc.
- Hampton Inn Cullman
- 24 Communications
- Apel Machine & Supply Company, Inc.
- Blocher Company, Inc.
- Culpepper Real Estate, Inc.
- Borden Family Pharmacy
- Cullman Power Board
- The Final Touch
- The Frazer Lanier Company, Inc.
- Wallace State Community College
- Cullman Regional Medical Center
- First Commercial Bank
Freddie Day and Frios Gourmet Pops of Cullman supplied lunch.
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